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Tanner’s Tumults: Writer’s Block

by Tanner Hittesdorf

It’s definitely been a few weeks since my last article, and I must apologize for the long delay in my postings. I’ll be honest, it’s hard to be a writer sometimes. Schedules clash with plans, you’re struggling to come up with any interesting topics, and worst of all is the inability to get out of a rut. Writer’s block isn’t a fun thing, you know. It’s kind of like knowing what to say but not how to say it. Heck, I have so many backed up projects of mine because of writer’s block, I don’t know if I’ll ever finish all of them.

With that said, I still got a job to do, and still have to push through even with this inconvenience. Perhaps I should just write what comes naturally to me, right? It’s easier said than done when you’re brimming with creative ideas and stuff that you want to talk about. Some days are harder than others as well. Working non-stop does nothing to help the creative mind find free-time to write as well. In all honesty, there’s a lot of factors to writer’s block that can’t be easily fixed.

I might write a few more sports takes since Minnesota sports has been in a genuinely good position of late outside of the Timberwolves. Maybe I’ll work on the Westerns series more, since I’m sure there are plenty of people waiting eagerly for that. The fact is, I don’t really know what’s next, but I hope everyone is excited once I find my groove again. Thanks for your patience, dear readers, I’m sure I’ll be coming out with more quality stuff soon.

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