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Tanner’s Tumults: Reconciling With The Election

By Tanner Hittesdorf

It’s a tough time to be paying attention to the polls and ballot counts as it gets ever closer to the finish line of this 2020 election. Regardless of whether you either voted for Donald Trump, Joe Biden, or even a third party candidate like Jo Jorgenson, we should strive to remember that we are all Americans under the same nation. Even despite our differences, our pride and love of this nation is what binds us.

So if you’ve voted for Donald Trump, take solace in the fact that his legacy will live on, in some shape or fashion. He may have lost this election, but who knows, he could be back in four years to run again? But remember, the spread of misinformation regarding the election is unnecessary and presents a dangerous precedent. I believe in the ability for everyone to rise above the desire to make such accusations, but assess information calmly and with an analytical mindset.

For those who have voted for Joe Biden, do not disparage those that have not. You’ve won the day, but do so gracefully and with respect. Your votes have helped lead him to the presidency, but keep in mind that now is the time for reconciliation. In the great words of the 16th President of the United States, Abraham Lincoln: “We are not enemies, but friends”.

Democrats and Republicans must do well to now come together peacefully, not with violence or hateful rhetoric, but with healthy, respectful debate. Do not point fingers, do not make accusations; instead, stick to debating the merits of policy and legislature, and leave the ad hominem and generalizations at the door. Americans must come together and re-realize that respect must go both ways.

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