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St. Mary’s Elementary School celebrates VIP Day


St. Mary’s Catholic Elementary School celebrated VIP Day on Monday, May 17.  Due to COVID restrictions, it was not possible to hold the traditional Grandparents’ Day celebration. Instead, St. Mary’s held VIP Day to recognize all of the Very Important People in our students’ and staff’s lives.  Grandparents, family members, and other special people were invited to send a letter or card to the elementary students. On VIP Day, the mail was distributed and read, much to the students’ and staff’s enjoyment. In addition, elementary principal Mary Gangelhoff read stories about grandparents over the PA, the students had a special dessert at lunch and a fun treat in the afternoon, the fifth graders recorded a poem about grandparents for Facebook, and all of the students took their pictures by the “A VIP Loves Me” sign. It was a wonderful celebration of all of the important people in our important students’ and staff’s lives.

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