Sleepy Eye ONLINE

St. Mary’s Class of 1963 Reunion

Sleepy Eye St. Mary’s High School Class of 1963 held their 60-year class reunion on August 19, 2023, at the Sleepy Eye Golf Club. Pictured in the front row (left): Luverne Krzmarzick, Sleepy Eye; Michael Crouch, Sleepy Eye; Myra (Schmitz) Bastian, Fairfax; Charlene (Goblirsch) Forster, Sleepy Eye; Luella (Lux) Ries, Jackson; Charles Hauser, Shakopee; and Jerry Bertrand, Sleepy Eye. Second row: Richard Schroepfer, Sleepy Eye; Louise (Soukup) Forster, Sleepy Eye; Lois (Olsen) Hillesheim, Sleepy Eye; Jeanette (Steffl) Bruckbauer, Remer; Robert Schroepfer, Sleepy Eye; Mike Hoffmann, Sleepy Eye; Mary DeBlieck, Sleepy Eye; Don “Toby” Schmid, Savage; and Doug Fromm, Minneapolis.
Back row: Ed Reynolds, Sleepy Eye; Charles Krzmarzick, Sleepy Eye; Ken Riebel, Sleepy Eye; Marlin Helget, New Ulm; and Steve Hillesheim, Sleepy Eye.

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