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St. Mary’s Basketball Award Winners

Girls Basketball Awards for the 2020-2021 season

2021 team awards:

Leadership-Sydney Windschitl

Most Improved-Emma Currans

MVP-Madison Mathiowetz

Payton Admas hustle award-Sydney Windschitl

All Conference: Madison Mathiowetz, Sydney Windschitl, Reagan Severson

Conference Player of the year: Madison Mathiowetz

All Conference Academic: Sydney Windschitl, Sophie Portner, Megan Ahlness, Maryanne Larsen, Madison Mathiowetz, Katelyn Rutscher, Reagan Severson, Liz Schwint

All State Academic: Sydney Windschitl, Sophie Portner, Megan Ahlness, Maryanne Larsen

All State Honorable Mention: Sydney Windschitl

All State:    Madison Mathiowetz

All Journal 2nd team:  Reagan Severson

All Journal 1st team:     Madison Mathiowetz, Sydney Windschitl

All Journal player of the year: Madison Mathiowetz

KNUJ players of the week: Madison Mathiowetz, Sydney Windschitl, Reagan Severson

KNUJ Player of the Year: Madison Mathiowetz

Prep Hoops Class A Player of the Year: Madison Mathiowetz

Madison Mathiowetz 2,000 point

Sydney Windschitl 1,835 career points 3rd all time overall for both programs

Boys Basketball Awards for the 2020-2021 season

All Conference: Carson Domeier, Trent Steffensmeier, Kaleb Wait

Conference Player of the year: Carson Domeier

All Conference Academic: Carson Domeier, Trent Steffensmeier, Owen Weiss

KNUJ players of the week: Carson Domeier, Trent Steffensmeier, Kaleb Wait

All Journal 2nd team:     Kaleb Wait

All Journal 1st team:   Carson Domeier, Trent Steffensmeier

All Journal player of the year: Carson Domeier

2021 Team Awards:

Leadership-Jacob Lux

MVP-Carson Domeier

Most Improved-Kaleb Wait

Payton Admas Hustle award-Trent Steffensmeier

Carson Domeier and Trent Steffensmeier 1,000 point

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