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Sleepy Eye Football

Sleepy Eye United Football Cheerleading Awards

Coach’s Award: Lily Kallevig
Special Awards: Sam Price Comic Relief Award; Taylor Mathiowetz Comic Relief Award, Best Attitude; Kenley Jensen Most Improved; Kiara Murphy Spirit Award, Best Cheer Voice, Most Encouraging; Lily Kallevig Leadership, Most Encouraging. Not pictured: Jace Schauman Comic Relief.


Senior Awards: Anna Johnson, Nora Hoffmann, Nora Coulson, Lily Kallevig


Letter Award Winners: Front row, from left: Ava Sellner, Kamille Capacia, Nora Hoffmann, Megan Sellner, Lily Kallevig, Nora Coulson, Anna Johnson. Back row: Kenley Jensen, Brylee Hansen, Taylor Mathioetz, Kiara Murphy, Hana Zeig, Samantha Price. Not Pictured: Jaelyn Schauman, Jace Schauman, Hannah Meyer, Destiny Dittbenner and Paige Thoms.
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