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Sleepy Eye Officers Present to the National Ag. Ed. Council

Four Sleepy Eye FFA Officers presented to the National Council for Agricultural Education at the Highland Park High School. Here they are pictured with Cheryl Zimmerman, National FFA Executive Secretary. L to R – Winsten Nienhaus, Chloe Howe, Cheryl Zimmerman, Noemi Rodriguez, and Marcus Martinez.

Four members of the Sleepy Eye FFA Officer Team presented to the National Council for Agricultural Education at Highland Park High School. Mary Hoffmann, Chapter Advisor, hosted The Council in Minnesota for the groups in person meeting.

As part of the meeting, The Council board members wanted to visit a school and meet Ag. students from Minnesota. The Council decided to have the group meet at Highland Park High School in St. Paul where Harley Braun, a previous student of Mary Hoffmann and now Ag. Teacher, is currently teaching.

The five schools in attendance included: Como Park, Highland Park, Humbolt, Mountain Lake, and Sleepy Eye. Each school was chosen based on its student involvement in Ag courses and FFA as well as their student’s diverse backgrounds.

The Sleepy Eye Chapter officers presented information on the school demographics, what the agriculture program looks like in our district as well as agriculture, FFA, and SAE (Supervised Agricultural Experience) highlights. Katie Emmett accompanied them to Highland Park High School while Mary Hoffmann brought The Council members from the meeting.

Hoffmann is currently serving as the Chair of the National Council for Agricultural Education. This board is made up of people from across the country who work in all aspects of Agricultural Education from secondary to postsecondary and from state supervisors to Ag. companies, and many more.

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