Sleepy Eye ONLINE

Sleepy Eye Holiday Lights in Motion seeking volunteers / donations

Set up for the 2020 Sleepy Eye Holiday Lights in Motion season is in full swing. The group started working Oct. 15 to take advantage of students being off school due to MEA break. Despite the unusually cold and snowy weather, a lot of progress has been made. Volunteers and donations are still needed, however, to continue to the final goal.

Upcoming Needs:
– Monetary donations to help with the events needs (mail to 445 Main St. East)
– Volunteers working on the ground each Saturday and Sunday 9 a.m. – 6 p.m. Show up or sign up for times using Sign Up Genius by visiting our website
– Volunteers willing to work up in the aerial trucks (please contact Mike Suess via email / 507-327-1031)
– Meals for volunteers for the next few weekends (serve 12-15 people)
-Donation of fire pit wood. Due to COVID protocols they plan on having multiple fire pits burning to help spread people out. If you would like to donate wood or make a monetary donation for this purpose please email or call / 507-327-1031
– Volunteers to help with ride nights as the plan is to have multiple load/unload areas due to COVID protocols.
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