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Sleepy Eye High School Knowledge Bowl team qualifies for state

From left: Brooke Arneson, Gunny Coulson, Alex Joramo, Mason Sellner and Adam Johnson.


by coach Alyssa Stevensen and Mindy Berkner

As things eased back to normal, the Sleepy Eye Public High School knowledge bowl team had big goals for the season. The team of juniors Brooke Arneson, Gunny Coulson, Adam Johnson, Alex Joramo and senior Mason Sellner made it a priority to make it to the state tournament this year.  Last year’s state appearance by this team (sans Sellner) was bittersweet as Covid precautions altered the experience (local tournament location and online).

This year things were back to normal and the stakes were higher.  Could they be two time state qualifiers? The start of the season brought them a few meet finishes just out of medal contention by mere points. As the season progressed, the team fell into a stride as they qualified through the subsection and section meet. Then regions came.  In each of the five rounds they climbed the rankings and by the end of the final round they claimed 2nd by two points to earn them a spot at state.

Coaches Mindy Berkner and Alyssa Stevensen are very proud of how hard they work to stay on top of their game, from weekly practices, to working on their own to gain knowledge in a wide array of topics.  One of the highlights of the season was the team vs the teachers mock meet.  The team won and earned the admiration of staff.

The state meet will once again be at Cragun’s resort on Gull lake in April. Everyone is very excited to take part to see how Sleepy Eye Public stacks up against the state’s best and brightest students.

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