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Sleepy Eye High School Knowledge Bowl team advances to state

State Bound: Stephanie Fernandez, Adam Johnson, Gunny Coulson, Alex Joramo and Brooke Arneson

Fifth Place: David Gonzalez, Kegan Heiderscheidt, Mason Sellner, Jackson Huiras and Trey Heiderscheidt

Like with everything else this school year, Knowledge Bowl had COVID requirements in order to compete. Virtual meets were common, but Sleepy Eye Public had been able to attend in-person for most of the season.

     Sleepy Eye advanced two teams to regions this year, which was a great accomplishment. After the written round the teams were sitting in the middle of the pack and last. Through four rounds, our teams had climbed, until the start of the last round where they were positioned at 2nd and 8th. With only the top 2 teams advancing to state, and but a handful of points that separated the top 8 teams.

     When the final scores came in everyone was elated to see that our Sleepy Eye White team, consisting of Kegan Heiderscheidt, David Gonzalez, Trey Heiderscheidt, Mason Sellner, and Jackson Huiras had made it to 5th place. And our Sleepy Eye Black team, consisting of Adam Johnson, Alex Joramo, Brooke Arneson, Gunny Coulson, and Stephanie Fernandez, had maintained their 2nd place position, thus punching their ticket to the state tournament.

   The coaches are supremely proud of all the teams and their work they have done all season.  The state meet will be held on April 9th.
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