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Sleepy Eye FFA Wins Minnesota State Fair Crop Show

Jasmine Petermann of the Sleepy Eye FFA chapter had a great Minnesota State Fair. She was the 2nd Place Overall New Exhibitor as well as the 4th Top Overall Exhibitor.

Winsten Nienhaus, Sleepy Eye FFA Officer-at-Large exhibited the Champion Introductory Wood Project at the Minnesota State Fair.

By: Leisha Martinez, Chapter Reporter

The Sleepy Eye FFA Chapter was once again well represented at the State Fair in 2021.

The Sleepy Eye FFA Chapter won the Minnesota State Fair Crop Show with a total of 1646 points. Jackson was awarded 2nd place with 805 points. There were 95 Sleepy Eye FFA members exhibiting 405 crop entries. This was the 11th year that Sleepy Eye has won the Minnesota State Fair in the past 13 years.

Sleepy Eye FFA Members who were Top 10 Finishers in the Minnesota FFA State Fair Crop Show –

Jasmine Petermann – 4th Place

Morgan Hoffmann – 6th Place

Jacob Schultz – 7th Place

Top New Exhibitors for the Minnesota State Fair FFA Crop Show:

Jasmine Petermann – 2nd Place

Carter Lazatin – 3rd Place

Alex Dominguez – 4th Place

Caden Evers – 5th Place

The other division that the Sleepy Eye FFA members exhibited projects in was Ag. Mechanics. Our members and their placings included:

Winsten Nienhaus – Blue Ribbon and Champion in the Introductory Wood Division with his American Flag Shelf

Sophie Kyllonen – 2nd Place Red Ribbon Introductory Metal Project with her Metal Plant Hanger

Lydia Huiras – Blue Ribbon Introductory Wood with a Wood Planter

Morgan Hoffmann – Blue Ribbon Intermediate Wood with a Bean Bag Board Set and Ladder Golf Combination.

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