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Sleepy Eye FFA Teams Off to a Great Start

The Soils Team was 5th in the Region VI FFA Contest. Pictured l to r – Maddi Helget, Nathan Rathman, Caleb Suess
The Forestry Team placed 4th in the Region Contest. Pictured l to r – Taylor Berkner, Sam Price, Jaelynn Schauman, Hannah Meyer, Daniel Armstrong.
The Horse Team took tied for 3rd place at the Region Contest. Pictured l to r – Ellen Windschitl, Sophie Gustafson, Leah Kucera, Sydney Zarn.
The Poultry Team took 2nd in the Region VI FFA Contest in Sherburn on October 12th: Pictured l to r – Adam Johnson, Isaac Lendt, Winsten Nienhaus, Anna Rossbach.

By: Leisha Martinez, Reporter

On October 12th, FFA Members in four Career Development Events (CDE’S) ventured to Sherburn to compete in the Region VI Fall CDE competition.

The Poultry CDE involves judging chicken and turkey carcasses, eggs, processed poultry, chicken parts identification, and taking a poultry knowledge test.

The poultry team was the 2nd Place Team overall and qualified for the state competition in the spring. The team consisted of Adam Johnson (1st place individual), Isaac Lendt (2nd place individual), Winsten Nienhaus (6th place individual), and Anna Rossbach.

For the Horse CDE, members judge halter classes, performance classes (western pleasure, hunt seat, English pleasure, western riding, western horsemanship, and trail), and also identify breeds, colors, markings, and tack.

The horse team tied for third place in the competition. Team members included: Leah Kucera (7th place individual), Sydney Zarn, Sophie Gustafson, and Ellen Windschitl.

In the soils contest, members judge different soil profiles, and identify soil characteristics, including texture, depths, and erosion potential.

The soils team placed 5th in the competition and earned a trip to state. Team members included: Maddi Helget (7th place individual), Nathan Rathman, and Caleb Suess.

For the forestry contest, members identify trees, wood, and tools used in the forestry industry; measure trees; take a forestry exam; solve business management problems; and use a compass and pacing to figure out the bearing and distance.

The forestry team placed 4th overall in the Region VI Contest and qualified for state. The team members included: Daniel Armstrong (top scorer on team), Jaelynn Schauman, Sam Price, Hannah Meyer, and Taylor Berkner.



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