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Sleepy Eye FFA Students Attend the 94th National FFA Convention

The Sleepy Eye FFA Chapter had 9 members attend the 94th National FFA Convention in Indianapolis, Indiana. Pictured L to r – front: Presley Bauer, Erika Lozano, Hailey Meinert, Katelyn Capacia, Miah Brown. Back: Lee Wahlborg, Gunny Coulson, Adam Johnson, Alex Joramo, Advisor Katie Emmett.
SLEEPY EYE NAMED THREE STAR NATIONAL CHAPTER: Sleepy Eye FFA was named a THREE Star National Chapter for growing leaders, building communities, and strengthening agriculture activities. Pictured l to r on stage at National FFA Convention- Paxton Dahmer, National FFA Central Region Vice President; Katelyn Capacia, Chapter Historian; Presley Bauer, Chapter Student Advisor.

By: Brooke Arneson, Chapter Reporter

The 94th National FFA Convention took place from October 26-October 30, 2021 in Indianapolis, Indiana. In attendance were over 50,000 FFA members from around the country, along with some of our own dedicated members. The city was encompassed with the colors of blue and gold as FFA members spread the message of agriculture. Members also learned how to be successful in life and met many new members from across our nation.

Nine Sleepy Eye FFA members attended the National Convention, including Erika Lozano, Hailey Meinert, Miah Brown, Presley Bauer, Katelyn Capacia, Adam Johnson, Alex Joramo, Gunny Coulson, and Lee Wahlborg. Ms. Katie Emmett was the chaperone for the trip.

Students were exposed to an agricultural based career expo, heard dynamic speakers, and were inspired by energetic and motivating general sessions at the largest annual student convention in the country.

During Convention, the Sleepy Eye FFA was named a THREE Star National Chapter for growing leaders, building communities, and strengthening agriculture activities that the Sleepy Eye FFA Chapter highlighted in their National Chapter Award application. Three stars is the highest ranking out of 1, 2, or 3 stars being awarded by National FFA. Officers Katelyn Capacia and Presley Bauer accepted this award on behalf of our chapter.

Along with the FFA Convention, members were given the opportunity to attend several tours in Indiana. The tours include: Broken Wagon Bison, Indianapolis Motor Speedway, Ozark Fisheries, and Not Just Popcorn. The convention also featured a country music concert, a rodeo, and a hypnotist show. Our members were able to get great hands-on learning experiences and opportunities while making lots of memories.

While at the National FFA Convention in Indianapolis, all of the Sleepy Eye FFA members took time to work behind the scenes at the KNUJ Media Booth. They assisted Jim Bartels in interviewing different FFA Chapters around the state of Minnesota about their convention experiences and FFA activities. Our members also interviewed on the radio about their own experiences and activities they are participating in for FFA.

We want to thank our Sleepy Eye Ag. Boosters, local businesses, and the Sleepy Eye School district for supporting our FFA chapter and providing the chance for our members to attend convention. Without your support, our members would not have opportunities like these.

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