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Sleepy Eye FFA Soils Team Wins SMSU Ag Bowl

The Sleepy Eye FFA Soils Team takes 1st at SMSU Ag. Bowl in Marshall. Team members included l to r: Nathan Rathman, Wyatt Feucht, Winsten Nienhaus, Isaac Lendt, and Caleb Suess.

By: Kyle Capacia, Chapter Reporter

Nine Sleepy Eye FFA chapter members competed in two Career Development Events (CDE’s) at the SMSU Ag. Bowl on February 3rd, in Marshall including Soils and Companion Animal Science.

For the Soils Contest, the Sleepy Eye FFA team placed 1st out of 17 teams. Isaac Lendt was the 1st place individual in the contest as well. Other Sleepy Eye FFA team members included:  Wyatt Feucht (7th), Winsten Nienhaus, Nathan Rathman, and Caleb Suess. In the soils contest, members judge different soil profiles, and identify soil characteristics, including texture, depths, and erosion potential.

Other members competed in Companion Animal Science. The team members were Cadence Okerman, Nora Coulson, Paige Haala, and Taylor Berkner. Cadence was the top scorer on the team. The Vet Science team members were tested on their knowledge of common pets, pet health, vet science terms & skills, and animal anatomy. An identification of different species including: dogs, cats, birds, fish, parasites, rabbits, and other animals kept as pets is also a large part of the contest. The team was 20th out of 37 teams.

Sleepy Eye FFA is proud to have these students work hard and excel at an Invitational Contest. Congratulations to all of the team members!

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