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Sleepy Eye FFA Poultry and Milk Quality Teams Win Regions, All Teams Qualify for State

The Sleepy Eye FFA Poultry Team wins the Region VI Virtual Contest. Pictured l to r – Adam Johnson, Isaac Lendt, Winsten Nienhaus, Anna Rossbach, and Noah Rossbach.

The Sleepy Eye FFA Milk Quality Team wins the Region VI Virtual Contest. Pictured l to r – Katelyn Capacia, Trey Heiderscheidt, Jorden Niebuhr, Victoria Poplow.

On November 18-19, the Sleepy Eye FFA Chapter competed in the Poultry and Milk Quality Career Development Events or CDE’s. A CDE is an opportunity for students to learn about a certain aspect of agriculture and compete in competitions to demonstrate their knowledge.

The Sleepy Eye Poultry CDE Team placed 1st in the contest. Participants included: Adam Johnson (1st place individual), Isaac Lendt (2nd place individual), Winsten Nienhaus (4th place individual), Anna Rossbach (6th place individual), and Noah Rossbach.

The Poultry CDE involves judging chicken and turkey carcasses, eggs, processed poultry, chicken parts identification, and taking a poultry knowledge test.

The Sleepy Eye Milk Quality CDE Team also earned 1st place in the Region VI Contest. The team included: Katelyn Capacia (1st place individual), Trey Heiderscheidt (3rd place individual), Victoria Poplow (6th place individual), and Jorden Niebuhr (8th place individual).

In the Milk Quality competition, members score defects in milk, identify percentages of milk fat in dairy and non-dairy products, identify cheeses and their characteristics, rate CMT tests, take a knowledge test on milk marketing and production, and do a problem solving activity.

The Soils CDE Team also competed in a Region VI Contest in November. The team placed 4th. Team members included: Maddi Helget (7th place individual), Caden Evers, and Caleb Suess.

In the Soils Contest, members judge different soil profiles, and identify soil characteristics, including texture, depths, and erosion potential.

Good luck to all of the teams as they all qualified for State Competition in April.

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