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Sleepy Eye FFA Participates in Region VI Summer Ag Tour

Sleepy Eye FFA Members that attended the 2023 Region VI Summer Ag Tour visited the Willis Tower.  Pictured l to r – front: Izzy Kunkel, Jose Castorena, Lily Kallevig, Carter Lazatin, Alex Confer, Daniel Armstrong. Back: Chloe Howe, Nolan Weicherding, Tim Friton, Antonio Ruiz, Katelyn Tauer, Ari Krzmarzick, Emerson Johnson.


By: Alex Confer, Chapter Reporter

Thirteen members from the Sleepy Eye FFA Chapter participated in the Summer Region VI Educational Tour June 12-14, 2023.  The members attended this trip with FFA advisors Katie Emmett and Paul Hendrickx, and Summer intern McKayla Carlson Hughes as well as the St. James, Mountain Lake, and Tracy FFA Chapters.

The students started out their trip by touring Mystery Cave in Forestville, MN. Later that night, after arriving in Chicago, Illinois, they enjoyed a boat tour that went out into Lake Michigan. Students were able to see the beautiful Chicago skyline and learn more about the architecture of the city.

The second day in the city was filled with several activities. They included a tour of the iconic Willis Tower, previously known as the Sears Tower and they were able to visit the SHEDD Aquarium and do different things like see a dolphin show and pet stingrays. Then later that day they also got to explore Navy Pier.

The third day of the tour was spent in Wisconsin. The students were able to tour Carr Valley Cheese and learn more about the cheese making process. After the cheese plant, members then got to relax and have fun at Wisconsin Dells. They then finished the tour by going to Timbavati Wild Life Park and seeing and experiencing all kinds of wild animals.

Overall, the Summer Ag Tour is an amazing opportunity for FFA members to take advantage of. Students were able to learn more about different areas of agriculture as well as how vast and important the agricultural industry really is.

The Sleepy Eye Ag Program Boosters helped sponsor for the trip and our FFA members truly appreciate their support. This trip would not be possible without them!



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