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Sleepy Eye FFA Members Travel to Ohio for Ag Exchange

Seven Sleepy Eye FFA members attended the Ohio Exchange Trip May 30-June 3. On the way, they toured the National FFA Center in Indianapolis, IN. Pictured l to r – front: Kayla Hecht, Chloe Howe, Leo Fernandez. Back: Antonio Ruiz, Izzy Kunkel, Alex Confer, Dennis Anderson.

By Alex Confer, Chapter Reporter

At the end of May, seven members, advisors Katie Emmett and Mary Hoffmann, and summer intern McKayla Carlson Hughes traveled to Casstown, Ohio to do an Ag. Exchange with Miami East High School. The members who attended included: Dennis Anderson, Alex Confer, Leo Fernandez, Kayla Hecht, Chloe Howe, Izzy Kunkel, and Antonio Ruiz.

Members took in many tours while on the trip as well as meeting the Ohio Ag. students and visiting their school. Our first tour was Dunning’s Spring Park in Decorah, Iowa. Next, we traveled to Maquoketa Caves State Park to explore many different caves and rock formations. On day two of our adventures, we toured the National FFA Center in Indianapolis, Indiana.

Then it was off to Casstown, Ohio to Miami East High School to meet the students. We did some get to know each other activities as well as played kickball.

On Thursday, we attended a day of tours with the MEHS. The first tour of the day was Cedar Bog Nature Preserve. Cedar Bog Nature Preserve was the first nature preserve in Ohio purchased with state money and is considered by many to be Ohio’s premier natural area. Cedar Bog featured a wide variety of living creatures and vegetation.

Next, we headed to Freshwater Fish Farms of Ohio. This is the largest indoor fish hatchery in the state of Ohio. Students were able to feed the Rainbow Trout and even pet Sturgeon and hold turtles. We learned a lot about fish production from this family owned business.

Finally, we spent several hours at the National Museum of the United States Air Force in Dayton, Ohio. While there, we were able to walk through many of the different planes from our history including Air Force One as well as ride in simulator planes.

The trip was filled with agricultural tours, meeting new people, and new adventures. Attending the Ohio Exchange trip was a unique experience for our members, advisors, and intern.

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