Sleepy Eye FFA Members Attend Timberland Leadership Camp

By: Brooke Arneson, Chapter Reporter
Twenty-four Sleepy Eye FFA members traveled to Sibley State Park, near New London, from June 15th-18th. Sleepy Eye FFA Advisors, Mary Hoffmann, McKenzie Cselovszki, and Katie Emmett, the Sleepy Eye Summer Intern, Taylor Peck, along with several members from the Tracy and Marshall FFA chapters, attended the camp.
The Sleepy Eye Advisors, along with Region and State Officers, and the Summer Intern do all of the programming, activities, and food for the camp for the week.
While at the leadership camp, FFA members got to experience many things including: get to know each other activities, a hike to Mount Tom, survival in the forest, escape room, archery, and sessions about goals and the various opportunities in FFA.
Camp-goers learned about different activities that other FFA chapters do and different things in FFA that they can become involved in, such as, Career Development Events (CDE’s) and Supervised Agricultural Experiences (SAE’s). Teamwork was an important topic members learned about at the camp. Members of each chapter conducted their own ceremonies as they raised and lowered the flag each day at camp. Campers could also swim, play volleyball and nine square, or try other fun activities in their free time.
Camp members were joined by the State FFA President, Emily Matejka from Martin County West, the State Reporter, Anna Ridenour from Triton, and Past State Vice-President, Emilee Xayanourom from Mountain Lake. The Region officers in attendance were Devyn Rempel, Morgan Hoffmann, Marissa Johnson, and Adam Hicks. They led sessions with activities regarding FFA opportunities and how to use your own personal qualities to contribute to a team.
On the last night of the camp, a banquet was held by the newly elected camp officers. The camp officers from Sleepy Eye included Cristal Joy Schmidtknecht, Camp Reporter and Shelby Hertling, Camp Historian. Following the banquet, FFA members gathered for the camp talent show, minute-to-win it games, and finally, a dance.
Timberland Leadership Camp was a fantastic opportunity for all who attended. Camp-goers will be forever grateful for the opportunity to meet new people, create new friendships, grow personally, try new things, set goals, and find out more about what FFA has to offer.