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Sleepy Eye FFA Celebrates Teach Ag Day

ighteen Sleepy Eye Ag. students were tagged by the FFA advisors. Front (L-R): Macey Ludewig, Landon Wendinger, Lucia Martinez, and Isabelle Kunkel. Middle (L-R): Samantha Price, Kaleb Butenhoff, Lee Wahlborg, Anna Rossbach, and Nathan Rathman. Back (L-R): Cristal Joy Schmidtknecht, Brooke Arneson, Nayzeth Luna, Daniel Armstrong, Rachel Portner, Caleb Suess, and Jaelynn Schauman. Not pictured: Kyla Capacia.

By: Brooke Arneson, Chapter Reporter

On Thursday, September 16th, numerous FFA members were recognized on National Teach Ag. Day. Members who were selected were “tagged” by Sleepy Eye Ag.Teachers Mrs. Mary Hoffmann, Ms. Katie Emmett, and Mrs. McKenzie Wagelie. National Teach Ag. Day was celebrated here and all around the country as Ag. Teachers showcased a career they love.

There were a total of 18 members who were selected for this award. The chosen members were selected because they show the potential to be a future Ag. Teacher. All of the awarded members were given a Tagged to Teach Ag. T-shirt, designed by Mary Hoffmann. Previously tagged students were able to stop by and get a prize from the National Teach Ag Campaign.

Last year, 132 Ag. Education positions were available across Region 3, which includes Minnesota, North Dakota, South Dakota, Nebraska, Iowa, and Wisconsin. The average base starting salary of an Ag. Teacher in the area was approximately $42,069. Additionally, 46 new agricultural education positions and 20 new agricultural education programs were added in Region 3 over the past year due to the interest by students and schools. Ag. Teachers had an average number of 24 extended/summer contract days in 2020.

There is a clear need for more students who are passionate about agriculture to pursue Ag. Education as a career.  National Teach Ag. Day draws more attention to the shortage issue and hopes to inspire students around the country to become Ag. Teachers.

“LOVE WHAT YOU DO, DO WHAT YOU LOVE – TEACH AG!” states Mrs. Hoffmann, Ms. Emmett, and Mrs. Wagelie.

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