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Sleepy Eye Board of Education Meeting Minutes 9/13


Sleepy Eye ISD #84

Board of Education

September 13, 2023, 5:30PM

Conference Room



Call to order: Attendance:  Sandy Gonzalez, Joleen Dittbenner, Darla Remus, Casey Coulson arrived at 5:31, Adam Barka and Sheila Wurtzberger Absent: Brian Nelson

Good News Items:  The United Football team are 2-0 and their first home game was Very Well Attended.  It is great to see all the excitement this is creating. Volleyball is also off to a great start. The first few weeks of school have been awesome.  FFA did very well at the state fair. With the construction team placing first.

Recognition of visitors:  Press and Staff

Approve Agenda      M Joleen Dittbenner 2nd Casey Coulson M/C

Approve minutes of August 9, 2023      M Casey Coulson 2nd Joleen Dittbenner M/C

Approve financial transactions and reports      M Joleen Dittbenner 2nd Sandy Gonzalez M/C


Board:  Brown County Public Health met they will start offering the Moderna COVID booster as soon as it becomes available.  COVID numbers are up again with the new variant.  There is a mental health awareness walk tomorrow at 12:30 from Harmon park in New Ulm to bring aware suicide prevention.  Facilities met and the solar panels are on the roof, stage lighting is complete.  Excess equipment is becoming an issue with storage and we are moving ahead with pole vaulting.  Riverbend is quiet but the playground and roof are completed.

Principal:  Good start of the school year, participated in a RISE program orientation, and is working on teacher evaluations.  Data mind is on the 22nd.  Coronation is the 24th with Homecoming on the 29th on the home field.

Superintendent:  Updated enrollment numbers: K-6 298; HS 251 Total 549; last year K-6: 298 HS: 50 Total: 548.  Negotiation Update they presented numbers and they will meet again the week after next and meet with the paras next week.  Teacher goal setting in progress, only a handful left to do.  Elementary after school program started on Monday.

Action items:

Certify 2023 payable 2024 levy for maximum amount “pending information becoming

available from MDE”

Approve open enrollment requests 22 in: 4 (Comfrey), 10 (GFW), 5 (Springfield), 1 (St. James) 2 (Butterfield)

Approve resignation of Monica Rehbein as elementary SPED paraprofessional as of August 8, 2023

Approve Marissa Prieto as ECSE paraprofessional 6.5hrs @$14.02

Approve Jonathan Kopacek as elementary title paraprofessional 7 hrs @$14.02

Approve Sleepy Eye Public School’s E-Learning Plan for the 2023-24 school year

Approve the 2023 fall coaching assignments

Call for snow removal quotes for 2023-2024

Approve fundraising requests for the 2023-2024 school year as presented.

Accept the following donation: $3000 to Sleepy Eye FFA by the National FFA organization.  Thank you, all donations are greatly appreciated.

Approve lane change request for Kylie Koerner B 15 to MS

MSBA Fall workshop opportunities.  Packets provided.

Worker Pay Proposal      M Joleen Dittbenner  2nd Casey Coulson M/C

Next meeting is Wednesday, October 11th, 2023 @5:30PM

Adjourn. Time: 5:52 pm  M Joleen Dittbenner 2nd Casey Coulson M/C

Respectfully submitted,


Sheila Wurtzberger/Clerk

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