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Sleepy Eye Board of Education Meeting Minutes 12/13


Sleepy Eye ISD #84

Board of Education

December 13, 2023 5:30PM

Conference Room

Call to order:  Sandy Gonzalez, Joleen Dittbenner, Brian Nelson, Darla Remus, Casey Coulson, Adam Barka, Sheila Wurtzberger

Good News Items:  Winter sports are up and running and the Girls Basketball team remains  undefeated.  Landon Wendinger and Paige Haala were named EXCEL winners. The Best Informed Greenhand Team placed first at Regions yesterday! 20 8th graders and freshmen participated. Camryn Maher received 3rd place in the FFA Creed Contest and advanced to state!  Fruit delivery is Friday! Our Ag and FFA students have been working on many service projects including: Putting up the Holiday Lights, Food for Kids, and making cards for the elderly. They have also been making blankets and putting together ornaments and personal care items for the Holiday Boxes that go to the families signed up for the Backpack Food Program.  Nice win for the boys team last night.  It’s almost Christmas.

Recognition of visitors:  Press and Staff

Approve Agenda                                                           M Joleen Dittbenner  2nd Sandy Gonzalez M/C

Approve minutes of November 8, 2023 M Joleen Dittbenner 2nd Adam Barka M/C

Approve financial transactions and report             M Casey Coulson  2nd Brian Nelson M/C


Board:  BCPH met, the 1st Annual South Central Mental Health and Wellness Conference will be held on May 1st at the Sleepy Eye Event Center.  They are working on a new social host ordinance.  Public Health is recommending that you do not eat cantaloupe at this time and that bed bugs have been reported to Public Health.  Negotiations met and there needs to be a few changes with wording, but think they have a tentative agreement.  Cat team met and  South Central may be offering First Responder training for our students.

Principal: Finishing up round two of non-tenured observations.  Contacting households and having meetings with struggling students. Round two of NWEA benchmarking is almost complete.  Will be setting up department meetings with the departments that met with content area specialists from SCSC. Band and Choir Concert on 12/14.  Worked on a possible schedule for next year that would allow for both JH and SH band and choir to meet every day (currently every other day).  Student surveys on teachers will be done later this week.

Superintendent:  Negotiation Update: TA with SEEA; Meeting with HS Principal next week.  The Giving tree in elementary school is up.   They had a great climate building activity “guess the person”, starting another one as well; 5-6 holiday concert this week; round two observations in progress


Audit Presentation:  Lane with ABDO  was presenting us with audit reports.  Audits are looking at the numbers and found that we have a clean audit, there are no findings and everything looks good.

World Best WorkForce Presentation: Samantha Whittington, Kevin Schneider

Truth and taxation by Amanda Boomgarden (6:00PM promptly)

Action items:

Approve SEPS World Best WorkForce plan

Approve winter coaching assignments

Approve FY 2023 Audit

Approve the following Donations: $1,000 by Sleepy Eye Servicemen’s Club to Sleepy Eye Public School to support the arts and athletic programs ($500 to athletics, $500 to arts) Thank you for your donations, they are greatly appreciated.

Approve addendum to the confidential employees’ contract

Approve hiring Kevin Schneider as 3rd Senior HS Knowledge Bowl Coach (participation based) @$612

Approve hire of Billy Hewitt as assistant Track Coach for the 23-24 school year.

M Joleen Dittbenner 2nd Casey Coulson M/C

Approve Truth and Taxation Continuation hearing or Approve 2023 payable 2024 Levy. $1,013,292.62.

M  Casey Coulson 2nd Brian Nelson  M/C


Adjourn                               Time: 6:24 p.m.                               M Casey  Coulson 2nd Sandy Gonzalez  M/C

Next meeting: Tuesday, January 9th 2024, 5:30PM

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