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Sleepy Eye Board of Education June Meeting Minutes

Sleepy Eye ISD #84
Board of Education
June 13, 2024, 5:30PM

Call to order: Attendance: Sandy Gonzalez, Joleen Dittbenner, Brian Nelson, Darla Remus, Casey
Coulson, Adam Barka, Sheila Wurtzberger
Good News Items: The golf teams and trapshooting teams are doing well in state competitions. Track
team did well in state.
Recognition of visitors: Staff and press
Approve Agenda M Casey Coulson 2nd Joleen Dittbenner M/C
Approve minutes of May 8, 2024 M Casey Coulson 2nd Sandy Gonzalez M/C
Approve financial transactions and reports M Brian Nelson 2nd Casey Coulson M/C
Presentation: A: 2024-25 budget presentation: Amanda Boomgarden (virtual) we have a deficit and am
using some of our fund balance and John is making some simple cuts, but is not cutting programs
because it will hurt the students. Brian says it is a bigger problem because we need to look at the
businesses that bring in the people and the students and then we need the housing and such.
B: LTFM review – Tim Harbo: LTFM Expenditures and Revenue FY 2025-FY2034
Board: BCPH met and vaccinations are at an all time low and they are looking at ways to combat that
with herd immunity becoming an issue. Staff development met and looked at the budget and teachers
are attending conferences and curriculum training. Negotiations met with the office staff and came up
with a contract. Policy met and went through red line policies mainly about the bullying and went with
what MSBA had in the books.
Principal: Commencement completed on May 17th. We graduated 42. Hired a special
education teacher. Summer School starts next Monday, June 17th. We have 36 students.
About half junior high level and half high school level. Summer school will conclude on July
Superintendent: Met with Kristina Marti to provide mentoring to the new music department. Trying to
finalize staff hiring. Staff is completing CORE training this summer (paid by grant)
Mascot transition postponed until September 1 st of 2026 (see later in legislative update)
Summer school starts next week. 90 students are enrolled. 6 of us are attending the Hormel Gifted and
Talented Symposium June 11-13 funded by the MDE gifted and Talented program, Sam and team did an
excellent job presenting. Legislative update.
Action items:
Approve LTFM School Board Resolution M Adam Barka 2nd Joleen Dittbenner
Roll call all for none against Motion passed.
Approve termination of Kayla Jacobsen as of May 17 2024
Approve 2024-25 budget
Approve School Nursing Service Agreement between Brown County Public Health and Sleepy Eye Public
School for the 2024-25 school year
Approve Family Facilitator contract with Brown County Human Services for the 2024-2025 school year
Approve Matthew Sellner as 3rd grade instructor for the 2024-25 school year @$49,000
Approve Matthew Sellner as JH boy’s basketball coach at $2,498 for the 2024-25 school year
Approve Memorandum of Understanding between Minnesota Valley Action Council, Inc.’s Head Start
Program and Sleepy Eye Public School/ECSE
Approve FY 2025 Membership to the Minnesota School Board Association
Approve resignation of Amaya Ochs as Tier 1 Special Education instructor effective immediately
Approve hiring Alyssa Stevensen as an Art Instructor for the 2024-25 school year @ $39,527.10 plus
Senior Class Asst. Advisor at $50 for a total of $39,577.10.
Approve Idalia Martinez as School Food Service Authority for the 2024-25 school year
Approve the following donations: $487.17 to the Sleepy Eye School Patrol Group for the Twins game
bussing cost by the Sleepy Eye American Legion Post #7 Thank you for your donation, they are greatly
Approve updated Dashir contract.
Approve Brea Sittig’s resignation from JH Volleyball coach
Approve Brea Sittig as JV Volleyball coach at $3,185 for the 2024-25 school year
Approve SECE Contract as presented.
M Joleen Dittbenner 2nd Casey Coulson M/C
Next meetings: Next board meeting tentative dates: July 18 at 5:30PM; Board retreat will be on July 15,
2024 at 5:30 pm at Mark Thomas.

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