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Sleepy Eye Ag. Department Attends Conference

Sleepy Eye Ag. Teacher, Mary Hoffmann, recognized at the Minnesota Association of Agricultural Educators Ag. Technology Conference as the Region VI Outstanding Ag. Teacher.

Mary Hoffmann and Adam and Hunter Manderfeld, Sleepy Eye Public School Ag. Teachers, attended the Minnesota Association of Agricultural Educators (MAAE) Ag. Technology Conference Virtually Jan. 14-16, 2021.  This conference included attending professional development workshops, an exchange of ideas competition, award winner recognition, and updates from all major partners in Team Ag. Ed.

Hoffmann led two community building activities as part of her duties on the State Teach Ag Results Committee and presented to the FAST (Future Agriscience Teachers) Group as well as the TIP (Teacher Induction Program) group throughout the week.

Hoffmann was named the Region VI Outstanding Ag. Teacher and will be competing against the other region winners for the State Award this summer.

Mrs. Hoffmann and Mrs. Manderfeld both participated in the Exchange of Ideas Competition. Hoffmann earned 1st place in the Ag. Production category with her Jr. High Crops Matching Activity and 2nd place in the Natural Resources category with her Photosynthesis and Respiration Model Activity. Manderfeld earned 2nd place in the Food Science category with her Intro. to Food Science Agriscience Notebooks Lessons.

All attended the conference to participate in the professional development workshops, learn from the stakeholders in Agricultural Education, network with over 190 Ag. teachers from around the state of Minnesota, and hear updates to stay informed on legislative efforts for agricultural education as well as programs from the Minnesota Department of Education.

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