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Septembers’ Spectacular Members

By Leisha Martinez, FFA Reporter

Member of the Month

Daniel Armstrong is in the 8th Grade and has been in FFA for two years. He joined FFA because he wanted to get more involved in school activities and wants to be a farmer when he grows up. Daniel is on the Forestry CDE team and enjoys it because he likes to be outside and he wanted to try something new. His SAE is working at a gas station. Daniel’s favorite FFA activity is painting pumpkins for the nursing home residents. Something he would like to try in FFA would be going on an Ag tour to a farm for a day and going to State for Forestry. Daniel has learned a lot from Ag. classes including: how to make butter, how to properly operate shop tools and so much more. The awards he is most proud of are being Tagged to Teach Ag., becoming a Jr FFA Officer, and Member of the Month.





Member of the Month

Jaellynn Schauman is in the 8th grade and has been in FFA for two years. She joined FFA because she thought it would be full of fun opportunities. Jaelynn is on the Forestry CDE team. She likes her team and going to the competitions so she can put all of her hard work into place. Jaelynn’s favorite FFA activity is making cards for the Adopt-a-Senior and Wee Deliver Programs for the elderly and her 3rd grade buddy. Something she is looking forward to is getting to meet her Wee Deliver Buddy. Jaelynn has learned a lot in Ag classes, such as how to cook different foods in Farm to Table and in her CDE she has learned a lot about trees, how to measure them and figure out the board feet. Jaelynn is most proud of making it to state for Forestry, this Member of the Month Award, and getting her Discovery Degree.





Member of the Month

Marcus Martinez is in the 10th grade and has been in FFA for four years. He joined FFA to find new friends and learn about agriculture. Marcus is on the Nursery Landscape CDE team and he has learned how to identify plants and tools in the landscape industry. His SAE is taking down siding. Marcus’s favorite FFA activity is FFA Volleyball Tournaments. He is looking forward to running for an FFA officer position next year. By being in Ag. Classes and FFA, Marcus has learned that there are opportunities for everyone to make friends and learn about agriculture through FFA activities. The awards he is the most proud of include: Freshman Leadership Award, Summer FFA All-Star, and the Hardest Server Award for the Volleyball Tournament.



Officer of the Month

Katelyn Capacia is in the 12th grade and has been an FFA member for six years. She joined FFA because her older brother was in it when he was in school and he said FFA was fun. Katelyn is the Chapter Historian where she makes the picture posters for the Ag. Room. She enjoys taking pictures and looking through all of the pictures of the different FFA events. Katelyn is on the Milk Quality and Products CDE team and loves being able to eat the cheese. Her favorite FFA activity is Officer Bonding. Something she is looking forward to this year is going to State FFA Convention. Katelyn is hoping many CDE teams are able to advance to state so they can attend. Through FFA, Katelyn has learned that being involved in the FFA activities can really help you build leadership skills.  The awards she is the most proud of include: placing 1st individually in the Region Contest for Milk Quality, being a Summer FFA All-Star, and being a FFA Junior Leadership Award Winner.

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