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September FFA Members of the Month Announced

By: Chapter Reporter, Chloe Howe 

Member of the Month

Ava Kunkel is in 7th grade and this is her first year in FFA. She joined FFA because she thought all the events would be fun and it was something new for her to try. Ava is a part of the Milk Quality and Products team for her CDE (Career Development Event). Her favorite part of her CDE is that she can learn more about things she has no clue about. Ava’s favorite FFA activity is the drive in movie. For the upcoming year, she is most looking forward to learning more about FFA and participating in new opportunities. So far Ava has learned to be more outgoing and creative. The award that she is most proud of is Member of the Month.




Member of the Month 

Daniel Armstrong is in 9th grade and has been in FFA for 3 years. He joined FFA to learn more about being a farmer and agriculture. Daniel’s CDE’s team are forestry and the Best Informed Greenhand teams. His favorite part of his CDE’s is being able to go to quiz bowl. Daniel’s favorite FFA activities are meetings and state convention.Something he wants to try this year is national convention. Daniel has learned different types of farming techniques and how to build things by being in an Ag. class. He is most proud of earning junior officer team president and coming in 2nd at state for Agriscience.





Member of the Month 

Logan Ludewig is in 9th grade and has been in FFA for 1 year. He joined FFA to be more involved in agriculture. His CDE team is poultry. Logan’s favorite part of his CDE is going to competitions and being part of a team. As a part of his SAE, Logan helps with cattle and other is doing farm work. His favorite activities so far have been the Poultry CDE and Intro to Ag Shop class. He is most looking forward to going to nationals in the upcoming future. From being in FFA and in Ag. classes. Logan has learned how to weld and to wire. Logan is most proud of qualifying for state for his poultry team.





Member of the Month  

Devin Kunkel is in 11th grade and has been in FFA for 3 years. He joined FFA because he thought it would be fun to shoot for trapshooting. Devin’s CDE team is trapshooting. His favorite part of his CDE is shooting his gun. Devin’s SAE is working at Casey’s making pizzas. For fun FFA activities, he enjoys watching movies. Devin is most looking forward to the lock in towards the end of October. From being in Ag. classes and FFA, he has learned more about welding. The award Devin is most proud of is being on the 1st Place Team at State for trapshooting.



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