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Schroepfers honored for Distinguished Service

Congratulations Jim, Dutch and Spike on being honored with the Distinguished Service Award from the Minnesota Interscholastic Athletic Administrators Association!

The Minnesota Interscholastic Athletic Administrators Association’s Distinguished Service Award is awarded annually to individuals who have made a significant contribution to the local school’s athletic program.

St. Mary’s Catholic School planned to honor the Schroepfer brothers last March, but with the COVID-pandemic, the award ceremony was cancelled.  Therefore, at Friday night’s football contest Jim, Dutch (Don) and Spike(Tom) Schroepfer were recognized. The trio have a combined 112 years on the football chain gang

In 2010, their father, Joe Schroepfer, was also honored with this Distinguished Service Award for his 40+ years on the St. Mary’s chain gang.  It was Joe who compelled his three sons to volunteer for the football program and, to date, Jim has served for 40 years, Spike for 37 years, and Dutch for 35 years.  There were five seasons when all three brothers and their father worked together on the chain gang, making this a true family tradition of a combined 152 years. The three Schroepfer brothers are extremely committed to their roles and, if they have to miss a game, they find a replacement. Each love their work as they say that they have the “best seats in the house”!

All three Schroepfer brothers are also very involved in the Sleepy Eye community and beyond, each serving in various organizations including the Knights of Columbus, Catholic United Financial, the Catholic Order of Foresters, the Sleepy Eye Jaycees, the Fraternal Order of Eagles, the National Guard in St. James, the Sleepy Eye Bowling Association, and the Sleepy Eye Golf Club Board, St. Mary’s men sausage dinner and others.

When our cheerleaders shout “Move those chains!”, the St. Mary’s football team, coaches and fans owe a debt of gratitude to the Schroepfer brothers for the unfailing commitment to the chain gang.

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