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Reinarts honored as Sleepy Eye Schools Teacher of Year

The Sleepy Eye Education Association honored Sleepy Eye High School science teacher Deb Reinarts as their 2019-2020 Teacher of the Year. Above SEEA president Mindy Berkner presents Deb the award.


Nomination Letter

I would like to nominate Deb Reinarts for the Sleepy Eye Education Association Teacher of the Year!  Deb has been a mainstay teaching leader in our building who is very passionate about her academic area of Science.  Deb has held many leadership positions within our school that help support our students and community.

Deb is all about the science! When you still get excited for labs and new discoveries, you know you’re in the right profession. She still gets excited about cutting open the hearts of deer her students have shot during November, a cow eyeball, or the right-of-passage frog dissection. Deb also lives to see the bacterial and fungal growth on her students’ growth plates each year as they find new, disgusting places in the school to swab. Deb is always trying to teach her students to live on this Earth responsibly. You often hear her remind kids not to put recyclables in the trash, and she takes the time to explain to them what should be recycled so they can make a better decision next time. She is always sharing new science information and discoveries with her students. She also is an excellent communicator to her students and parents. Deb sends out reminders on what late work needs to be completed to many individual students, SPED teachers, and parents.

Deb is the past Student Council Advisor who served for multiple years and she was always very passionate about having things in order and creating fun and exciting opportunities for our students.  Deb showed her leadership with the Student Council evidenced by the multiple Blood Drives held at our facility.  Deb started the Yes team at our school we can thank her for so many positive changes she helped implement in our building.  Recycling has changed, energy saving has changed and her Yes team has won some distinguished awards for their efforts on environmental change.

 Deb has been Head Class Advisor for multiple rotations and her leadership and experience has helped classes get through Class meetings, Homecoming, Prom, Class Trips and Graduation.  Through the Pandemic of 2020, Deb as the Head Senior Advisor has shown great leadership.  It has been a difficult task dealing with the finalities of class trip fundraisers, decisions about the class trip, student money reimbursements, air flight, communication with families, and travel agency. Continuing her leadership Deb has had to be part of the unique discussion on graduation for the class of 2020.  The communication with students, administration, parents and other advisors had to be stepped up to another level.

Deb’s commitment to her classroom, our school and community has been evident for many years.  Deb’s service makes her very deserving of the Sleepy Eye Education Association Teacher of the Year!


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