Order Personalized Athlete Photos

Action shots of your favorite high school athlete throughout a season

ONE SEASON = $40      TWO SEASONS = $72    THREE SEASONS= $100

Jr. High / Jr. Varsity = $17 per season or $44.oo for Three Seasons

Photos Format Available

-CD/DVD ($2.oo shipping charge)

-Flash Drive ($8.oo shipping/flashdrive charge)

-File Transfer (emailed to your computer – no additional charge) 

Tennis, Cross country, track and golf coverage can be limited due to challenge of photographing these sports. If you want special photos taken of an athlete in these sports, please contact Shari (shari@sleepyeyeonline.com) and she will make an effort to take some and charge according to the number taken.


Sit back and watch the game…Let us do the work…We are down by the action, getting the best shots…shots your son or daughter might never allow “mom” or ”dad” to take!


VARSITY ATHLETES: Action shots of your favorite athletes throughout a season…You get all photos that appear online along with many, many, many more that are not published   $40.00,  $72.00 for two seasons, $100.00 for the three-sport athlete (Home games and possibly some away games that may include section/state contests) Photos are delivered at the completion of EACH SEASON. 

JR. HIGH / JR. VARSITY ATHLETES: We don’t attend as many contests as the varsity level but will try to get to 2-3 Jr. Varsity and Jr. High games each season. $17.00 per season or $44 for three season.

Payment due at the end of each season. An invoice will be emailed to you for cash, check or credit card payment.


Email the following information to news@sleepyeyeonline.com



Athlete’s Name:

Sports You Wants Photos For: 

Format Requested:  DVD / Flash Drive / File Transfer

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