Order Family Photos Subscription

Family Photo CDs – $42.00 annual subscription
Digital Photos of your family members (Parents, Children, Grandchildren & Grandparents) which are published on Sleepy Eye ONLINE…for your future viewing and/or printing enjoyment. (limit 10 members)
No more deciding which individual digital reprints you want…you get them all! 

Photos Format Available

-CD/DVD ($2.00 shipping charge)

-Flash Drive ($8.00 shipping/flashdrive charge)

-File Transfer (emailed to your computer – no additional charge) 

*Please note most events photographed occur in Sleepy Eye.
Also Available: Personalized Sports Photos –Action photos of your favorite Varsity, Jr. Varsity or Jr. High athlete throughout a season. Those that are published online as well as many, many extra not published.  MORE INFO>>>


Email the following information to news@sleepyeyeonline.com

Your Name:

Your Email:

Family Members Names:

Activities they are involved in:

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