Sleepy Eye ONLINE

October’s Outstanding Members of the Month

By: Carmen Lendt, FFA Reporter

Member of the Month

Anna Rossbach is a 9th grader at Sleepy Eye Public Schools. It is her second year in FFA, and she wanted to be in FFA because she wanted to explore the world of agriculture. Anna is involved in the Poultry CDE Team. She really likes the hands on competition and learning about something new. Her favorite FFA activity is the Drive-in Movie night! Anna is looking forward to poultry contests this year. She has learned about different food productions and the history of agriculture by being in Ag Class. The award she is most proud of is 2019 1st Place Region VI Poultry Team.


Member of the Month

Brooke Arneson is a 10th grader grader at Sleepy Eye Public Schools. It is her 2nd year in FFA. She joined because she wanted to acquire new agricultural knowledge as well as to improve life long skills such as leadership and wanted to meet more friends. Brooke likes being on the Floriculture CDE Team because she likes to learn and identify the names of plants and flowers and she knows she will be able to use the knowledge and apply it to her daily life. Her favorite FFA activity is writing letters to her third grade pen pal. This year Brooke is looking forward to competing on the floriculture team and hopefully advancing to state. By being an Ag. class and FFA, she has learned the basics of plants and flowers and how to identify them. She has also learned how to use food grown or produced in recipes. Brooke has earned two FFA awards, the Freshman Top Scholar Award and the FFA Greenhand Degree.


Member of the Month

Noah Rossbach is a 7th grader at Sleepy Eye Public. It is his 1st year in FFA. Noah joined FFA because his siblings were in it and they had fun. He just joined the Poultry CDE Team. He likes grading eggs in the poultry contest. He doesn’t have an SAE yet. His favorite FFA activity is the Poultry Team. He is most looking forward to the lock-in this year. Through FFA, he has learned how to grade eggs, identify chicken parts, and a lot about the poultry industry. He has learned how plants grow through Ag. Class. Noah is most proud of this Member of the Month Award.

Officer of the Month

McKenna Dockter is a 12th grader at Sleepy Eye Public, and it is her sixth year in FFA. She decided to join because she wanted to become more outgoing and find good leadership opportunities for the future. She is the 1st Vice President on the officer team. She likes being Vice President because she has many responsibilities and it helps her with her time management. She is on the Floriculture CDE team because she loves to work with flowers and also enjoys the members of the team. Her SAE project is usually working at the Railway Bar and Grill, but is currently not working due to COVID. Her favorite FFA activity is fruit sales. She would like to try the crop show this year. McKenna has learned a lot about cars through her class in auto maintenance. Some awards she has earned are Blue and Gold Award, Sophomore Achievement Award, Star Greenhand Award, and Top 5 for BIG Team.

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