Sleepy Eye ONLINE

NU Journal: Sleepy Eye man faces felony criminal sex charge

Fritz Busch

NEW ULM – A felony 1st-degree criminal sexual conduct charge was filed against a 69-year-old Sleepy Eye man Tuesday, Oct. 31 in Brown County District Court.

Gary Allen Thoms, 25189 N. Highway 4 was charged with felony 1st-degree criminal sexual conduct-penetration with a person under age 13, actor more than three years older. A Zoom hearing was set for 11:45 a.m., Nov. 1.

The victim said when she was about age 5, made her give him sex in Sleepy Eye. The victim said the incident happened only once.

Sleepy Eye Police Chief Matt Andres and Investigator Bohnen went to Thoms’ residence on Oct. 30, 2023, arrested him and transported him to the Sleepy Eye Police Department.

Investigator Bohnen read the Miranda Warning to Thoms who said he understood his rights, asked for a lawyer and did not want to talk. Thoms was transported to the Brown County Jail.

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