NU Journal: Looking back at 2021 in Sleepy Eye
Sleepy Eye News
7 – Otto Scott Helget, son of Saydi and Nolan Helget was the first baby born in 2021 at Sleepy Eye Medical Center. Grandparents are Dave and Tammy Helget, Shane Martinka, step grandfather Todd Ibberson and the late Heidi Ibberson.
26 – Sleepy Eye High School Minnesota State High School League Triple A Award nominees are siblings McKenna and Kadon Strong. McKenna plays saxophone in the high school band and was named 2020 Instrumentalist of the Year. She sings in a church choir and is active in high school 3-Act Plays, cheerleading, volleyball, hockey, softball, FFA and trap shooting. Kadon excels in football, hockey and baseball and fishing teams and FFA trapshooting team. A trumpet player in the high school band, he is a Sleepy Eye Honor Guard bugler.
6 — Sleepy Eye Medical Center vaccinated 300 patients at the Sleepy Eye Event Center. In the days leading up to the vaccination, patients age 65 and older were randomly selected and notified they were eligible to receive the COVID-19 vaccine. The medical center will continue randomly select patients and notify them when they qualify for the vaccine.
14 – Leah Miller was crowned Miss Sleepy Eye 2021. Princesses were McKenna Strong and McKenna Docter. Other candidates were Jenny Piotter, McKenzie Mertz, Kayla Schroepfer, and Trisha Ludewig.
14 – The Sleepy Eye Black Knowledge Bowl team of Adam Johnson, Alex Joramo, Brooke Arneson, Gunny Coulson, and Stephanie Fernandez finished second in the region tournament, earning a Minnesota State Knowledge Bowl berth.
The Sleepy Eye White team of Kegan Heiderscheidt, David Gonzalez, Trey Heiderscheidt, Mason Sellner, and Jackson Huiras finished fifth in the region.
Coaches Mindy Berkner and Alyssa Stevensen said they were very proud of the teams and work they did all season.
16 – The St. Mary’s High School Knights boys and girls basketball teams won Tomahawk Conference, Section 2A titles and won state quarterfinal games at Mankato East High School.
25 – The Sleepy Eye FFA Floriculture team won the Region VI title, topping 10 teams. Team members were Morgan Hoffmann, Brooke Arneson, McKenna Dockter, and Emma Braulick. The Nursery Landscape team of Kyle Capacia, Leisha Martinez, Marcus Martinez and Austin Uecker also advanced to the state contest.
In addition, Sleepy Eye FFA Advisor Mary Hoffmann was inducted into the Minnesota FFA Hall of Fame.
28 – Sleepy Eye Public Utilities received the American Public Power Association Safety Award of Excellence for safe operating practices for utilities with 10,400 worker hours of annual worker exposure.
7 – Sleepy Eye St. Mary’s boys and girls basketball teams rode fire trucks in town after competing in state tournaments. A traditional celebration in the school gym followed.
9 – The Sleepy Eye High School Knowledge Bowl team finished 17th among 24 teams in the virtual state contest. Team members included Stephanie Fernandez, Brooke Arneson, Adam Johnson, Alex Joramo, Gunny Coulson and coaches Mindy Berkner and Alyssa Stevensen.
15 – Sleepy Eye High School agriculture instructor Mary Hoffmann was one of six educators honored by the WEM Foundation for outstanding accomplishments and student learning contributions. Hoffmann was one of two teachers receiving the Teacher Achievement Award for supporting, inspiring and assisting students to greater learning as evidenced by student achievement. Hoffmann received $15,000 for the award.
3 – The 2021 Sleepy Eye Chamber of Commerce Scholarship was awarded to A. J. Arneson. It is awarded to a student who best exemplifies the chamber’s mission of promoting business, community growth and development. It is awarded to a graduating senior whose parents work at or own a business that belongs to the Sleepy Eye Chamber of Commerce.
3 – St. Mary’s Elementary School staffers retiring included principal Mary Gangelhoff, administrative assistant Tammy Helget, former teacher and classroom aide Rosie Schwartz and teachers Diane Lax and Diane Krzmarzick.
3 – Sleepy Eye United golfers earning state tournament spots included Liz Schwint, Toby Weiss, Jacob Schultz, Jack Nelson, Allen Arneson, Carson Erickson, and Logan Netzke. The Sleepy Eye United boys team finished third in the state meet.
16 – The Sleepy Eye United boys golf team of Jacob Schultz, Carson Erickson, Jack Nelson, Allen Arneson, Toby Weiss, Logan Netzke and coaches Bryant Mages and George Schwint finished third in the Minnesota State Class A State Golf Tournament.
18 – River Valley’s James Hagen finished first in the state division 2 shot put, fifth in the 200 and sixth in the 100 meters at the stat-e track meet. Toby Hagen won the division 2 discus, was second in the shot put, fourth in the 200 and fifth in the 100. The girls 4×800 relay team of Marissa Pabst, Skyla Dauer, Emmie and Lilly McCone finished 15th in the state meet.
9 – Sleepy Eye High School ag teacher Mary Hoffmann was named Outstanding Agriculture Education Teacher of the Year at the Minnesota Association of Agricultural Educators Convention in Moorhead. The award recognizes leadership, teaching philosophy, instruction, experiential learning.
15 – Pet food making company owner Steve Trachtenberg closed on the purchase of the former Del Monte plant. Trachtenberg said he paid $2.6 million for the plant and 21 acres of property and more than 200,000 square feet of building space.
16 – Sleepy Eye High school Spanish teacher and former Sleepy Eye Education Association (SEEA) President Mindy Berkner was named 2021 Teacher of the Year. She was praised by her nominator for her dedication as SEEA president and for being an excellent teacher.
16 – Sleepy Eye Medical Center doctors Darlyn and Adam Armbruster appeared in Minnesota Department of Health COVID vaccine campaign commercials aired on television and radio.
15 – Pet food making company owner Steve Trachtenberg closed on the purchase of the former Del Monte plant. Trachtenberg said he paid $2.6 million for the plant and 21 acres of property and more than 200,000 square feet of building space.
16 – Sleepy Eye High school Spanish teacher and former Sleepy Eye Education Association (SEEA) President Mindy Berkner was named 2021 Teacher of the Year. She was praised by her nominator for her dedication as SEEA president and for being an excellent teacher.
16 – Sleepy Eye Medical Center doctors Darlyn and Adam Armbruster appeared in Minnesota Department of Health COVID vaccine campaign commercials aired on television and radio.
23 – Mary Ann Christensen received the 2021-22 Friend of Education award from the Sleepy Eye Education Association. Sleepy Eye ag teacher and FFA advisor Mary Hoffmann nominated Christensen for the award, saying she is a huge school supporter and is involved in many different programs including agriculture, student incentives, staff appreciation, continuing education and more.
26 – Jacob Stevens and Reagan Severson were crowned Sleepy Eye St. Mary’s Homecoming King and Queen. Royalty included Carson Domeier, Julia Helget, Joey Herzog, Kya Krzmarzick, Madison Mathiowetz, Jadon Schroepfer, Maya Nelson, Trent Steffensmeier, and junior attendants Avery and Quinn Cook.
26 – Trinity Lutheran Church welcomed new pastor Tim Mason. He grew up in Coon Rapids, went to Japan as a missionary, and became a pastor of Japanese and International Lutheran congregations. Mason married his wife Juriko in Japan and welcomed sons Andrew and Kai into the family. The Masons later moved to Hawaii where he was pastor of a Lutheran church in East Honolulu, where he served for 15 years.
Mason worked as a visitation pastor in California, reaching out to people online and on the phone.
1 – Sleepy Eye Mayor Wayne Pelzel said the downtown revitalization committee is creating a downtown walking tour. The group is seeking historical photos and information about buildings.
5 – Aided by generous donations, the Sleepy Eye Police Dept. will get body cameras earlier than expected. Donations included $1,000 from the Sleepy Eye Sportsman’s Club and $7,363 from the Sleepy Eye Servicemen’s Club Charitable Gambling Fund.
26 – Sleepy Eye Holiday Lights in Motion, a nightly drive, walk or wagon ride through Sportsman’s Park with thousands of Christmas lights decorating trees and by themselves, began drawing visitors from the area. Wagon rides and a concession stand were featured on a number of nights through Dec. 31, 2021. The Sleepy Eye Ambulance Service honored a former EMT, the late Bill Wintheiser, an original member of the Sleepy Eye Ambulance Service. Many Sleepy Eye residents also remember Bill as the popcorn wagon guy. His well-known and liked popcorn recipe was used for a special event in his honor.
30 – Sleepy Eye High School agriculture teacher Mary Hoffmann received the National Association of Agricultural Educators Region III Outstanding Agricultural Education Teacher Award. She accepted the award at a New Orleans convention.
14 – The Sleepy Eye City Council approved the 2022 city budget and 5.3% tax levy increase.
15 – The District 84 School Board approved a 2022 budget and 4.25% levy decrease from 2021. Sleepy Eye Public Schools Finance Director Amanda Boomgarden said the main reason for the levy cut was long-term facilities debt was paid off.
Springfield News
5 – Springfield Advance Press Managing Editor Wendy Krier bought the newspaper from Adam Conroy, who owned the newspaper since May 2019. Conroy said he different opportunities arose that he wanted to pursue so he had to lighten his load in other areas. Krier, who grew up in California’s Central Valley, said she loves the rush to press and the smell of newsprint.
6 – Keith Olson recently finished his 50th, 26.2 mile marathon, from Pass Christian to Biloxi, Mississippi. His next goal is to finish 50 marathons in all 50 states and run 100 marathons. He has finished marathons in Washington, D.C., Charlotte, N.C., Las Vegas, Tulsa, Louisville, Missouri, Casper, Wyo., Disney World in Orlando, Dayton, Ohio, Chicago, New York City, Osage, Iowa, Fort Worth, Texas, and Charleston, S.C.
26 – Sisters Shayla Hoffmann and Shawna (Hoffmann) Hamlin opened K & S Antique at 106 N. Marshall, downtown Springfield. The business began in 2019 as an online boutique. Shawna is a Registered Nurse at Sleepy Eye Medical Center and Allina New Ulm Obstetrics. Shayla is a New Ulm Medical Center Emergency Room technician.
1 – St. John Lutheran Home received a 5-Star quality rating on Nursing Home Compare. The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services provides ratings data on the Nursing Home Compare website to help people compare nursing home quality.
3 – The Springfield Co-op Creamery was named the top dealer for Hubbard Beef Feed Sales over the last two years and is one of the top four businesses in Minnesota for dairy and swine feed plus crystal tub sales. Springfield employees are general manager Steve Helget, Peggy Groebner, Kevin Wenish, Stacy Green, Mike Moody, Ted Halvorson. Sleepy Eye employees are manager Bill Krueger, former manager Gerald Haala, Steve Hillesheim, Todd Jensen, Keith Hoffman, Jerry Anderson, Jim Anderson and Jake Sellner.
3 – Ruby’s Cafe, an iconic restaurant in downtown Springfield, was demolished by L&S Construction of Springfield. Many people drove by and watched the building demolition. Those that watched included Ruby and Jim Potter.
9 – Kendall Kelly received the Springfield High School Triple A (Academics, Arts and Athletic Award). The daughter of Jeremy and Sara Meyer, Kendall said school is a big part of her life and she understands getting good grades help shape her future plans. She plans to attend Northern State University, Aberdeen, S.D. and pursue a Bachelor of Science degree in human performance with an emphasis in personal training, strength and conditioning. She is plans a pre-physical therapy study plan.
9 – Springfield School District voters approved both school bond referendum questions, the second question by one vote. Voters approved funding $17.6 million in bonds by 13 votes for a new, secure school entrance, tornado shelter, replacing heating, ventilation and air conditioning units, remodeling a 1926 gym into an auto and construction trades shop and building a new gym. The second question for $2.1 million in bonds to address cafeteria, kitchen, choir and new handicap-accessible locker rooms was approved 458 to 457 votes.
9 – Nuvera Communications gifted an antique telephone booth to the Springfield Area Historical Society Museum. The phone booth was previously located in Springfield’s downtown hotel and cafe before that building was demolished a couple weeks ago.
8 – Springfield was one of four Southern Minnesota cities selected to be a part of the three-year Rural Entrepreneurial Venture (REV) program. Part of the Southern Minnesota Initiative Foundation, the program will work with Springfield, Montgomery, Wells, and Mapleton to explore different approaches to supporting entrepreneurs and economic growth.
12 – Springfield Market began its remodeling project. All new LED lighting has been added throughout the store, making it much brighter and energy efficient. Phase 2includes removing old floor tile and laying new flooring and moving product aisles. All new fixtures and shelves will be installed.
22 – The Springfield Area Convention and Visitors Bureau created a dozen banners highlighting Springfield that will be hung on U.S. Highway 14, Cass Avenue and downtown. Some of the banners feature photos submitted by Springfield artist and former teacher Neil Neidt.
4 – Peggy Bredvold celebrated her 100th birthday at The Maples, St. John’s Circle of Care Campus. She said she has worked hard all her life, as a cook at the Rainbow Cafe, doing hair at St. John Home and raising a family. Her mother lived to be 96 years old. Peggy placed third in a corn husking contest on the Albert Pabst farm. Peggy has 19 grandchildren with another on the way. She attributed her longevity to hard work and advised younger folks to keep working hard because it worked for her.
24 – River Valley speech team member Libby Tonn finished third in informative speaking and Kierra Lafferty seventh in prose in the Minnesota State High School League Class A Speech Tournament held virtually. Other state participants included Kendall Kelly in poetry, KayLynn Sanderville in extemporaneous reading, Sarah Kottke in drama and Russell Beers in numerous.
Other team members were Sydne Wahl, Joseph Jensen, Brenna Pabst, Bryn Gordon, Jace Rosenau, Lucas Milbrath, Abigail Jensen, Kali Nachreiner, Paige Schwarzrock, Hannah Hunter and Aubree Paplow.
24 – Springfield FFA member Cylee Graff received the State FFA Degree at the virtual 92nd Minnesota State FFA Convention.
5 – The Springfield Area Foundation awarded more than $8,000 to local, public charity dedicated to the betterment of the Springfield area including St. John Lutheran Home, the Springfield Convention and Visitor’s Bureau, food shelf, chamber of commerce, Pro Kinship for Kids and Riverside Days Parade.
9 – Michelle Berberich hosted a grand opening event with a ribbon cutting for her newest business, Good Life Grooming at 110 West Central Street. The business offers full grooming to dogs of any size.
17 – Sheena Dauer opened a physical therapy business at 50 Rock St., next to Subway on U.S. Highway 14. A 2000 Springfield High School graduate, she earned bachelors and masters degrees in exercise science at South Dakota State University and a doctorate in physical therapy at the University of North Dakota. Dauer practiced in Montevideo for eight years before moving back to Springfield.
19 – Springfield Elementary Hall of Fame inductees included Troy Hoyt, Jordan Milbrath, and Doris Weber. Hoyt taught at the school for 34 years. His began the school’s elementary flag football and Math Masters programs, coached volleyball and wrestling and was president of the Springfield Education Association for many years. Milbrath won many honors as a student/athlete, participating in football, basketball, baseball, band, and FFA. He works in Springfield as a financial advisor and is on the fire department. Weber has supported the school for more than 60 years, ensuring school news was always in the Springfield Advance-Press.
2 – Springfield High school teacher/coach Todd Bertram was named Springfield Public School Teacher of the Year. He also served as the school activities director, assistant principal and coached or was involved with volleyball, football, wrestling, baseball, and softball. He has taught many subjects including world geography, world history, U.S. history, civics, psychology, sociology, human geography, world and American studies.
3 – Former Springfield resident Phil Johnson was inducted into the 2020 South Dakota High School Baseball Hall of Fame recently. Johnson coached baseball at Chamberlain, S.D. High School. He coached many teams to the state high school baseball tournament and was a founding member of the South Dakota High School Baseball Association Board of Directors.
10 – Springfield High School baseball and softball teams advanced to the Minnesota High School League Class A State Tournaments. The baseball team finished in third place, defeating Randolph 16-2 in five innings.
18 – The Springfield High School Tigers baseball team finished third in the Minnesota Class A Tournament with a 16-2 win over Randolph. The Tigers also defeated South Ridge 8-3 and lost 16-0 to Hayfield in the semifinals.
In the state golf meet, Maverick Winkelmann finished sixth and Christopher Thram was 26th.
The River Valley girls 4×800 girls relay team finished 15 in the state track meet.
18 – The Springfield High School Tigers softball team lost 6-3 to Badger-Greenbush-Middle River in the Minnesota Class A Tournament.
19 – The Springfield Tigers amateur baseball team won two of three games in the Hamburg/Green Isle Miller Lite Invitational. The Tigers topped Red Wing 3-9 and Green Isle 6-0 but lost 9-2 to Hutchinson.
23 – Doug and Brigette Brown opened a tree trimming and removal service, Brown Tree Service, LLC. The business does tree removal, trimming, stump removal, storm cleanup, cabling and bracing of trees, 24-hour emergency service and free estimates.
20 – New police officer Vanessa Bellmont was sworn in at the Springfield City Council meeting. Also at the meeting, a resident talked about the immediate need for stop signs on Hoyt Avenue at Wilson and Winona Streets. She shared a list of 38 residents who signed a sheet of paper requesting the stop signs. The city council heard the concerns and will ask the Safe Routes to School Committee in partnership with the school to look into the need for more stop signs.
9 – Pastor Denton Bennet is the new interim pastor at St. Johns Lutheran Church. His wife is also a pastor, serving Bethany and Trinity Lutheran Churches in Storden and Jeffers. The couple lives at the Storden parsonage with their children Stephanie and Luke.
20 – Brendon Buerkle and Violent Hovland are the Springfield High School Homecoming king and queen. Other royalty were Tate Mathiowetz, Lexi Vogel, Zach Granda, Megan Ploeger, Lillian McCone, Caleb Hauger, Haley Runck, Kyle Quesenberry, Jaida Wenish and James Coffland.
2 – The Springfield Golf Club held a renovation project completion and anniversary celebration. The project mitigates historical flooding issues. Project features included a new cart path leading to a bridge, a new, raised green and tee boxes above the flood plain on hole No. 9. There are six brand new holes on the golf course. There are relocations, rebuilding and other changes to all nine holes.
25 – Chris Rothmeier opened CR Consulting & Design in his Springfield home. The business open by appointment only, helps clients draw plans for building and remodeling projects. Rothmeier is a project manager for GR Truss & Component of Kimball, S.D.
30 – Liola Cornelius celebrated her 100th birthday with family and friends. For much of her life, she’s been an active member of John Watson American Legion Post 257, holding leadership positions. An open house was held Nov. 1 at the Springfield Area Community Center. She said her secret to reaching age 100 was keeping active and walking eight blocks, four times a day when she was working.
1 – The Springfield Area Chamber of commerce named Sharon and Paul Pieschel the Spirit of Springfield award recipients and the Springfield Golf Club as Springfield Business of the Year. The spirit award recognizes a person who is a friend of Springfield who supports the community. The business award is recognizes one that shows profitability, growth and sustainability plus a commitment to community service and a strong community supporter.
15 – Christopher Thram of Springfield was named Knoxville Raceway Rookie of the Year. He placed 10th in driver’s points and 11th in owner points for the 2021 racing season.
9 – After a year hiatus due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Springfield Area Nativity Theater Association presented the 35th season of the Springfield Nativity Pageant under the stars adjacent to the Springfield Area Community Center. Jason, Bentley and Alicia Reese of Springfield portrayed Joseph, baby Jesus and Mary in the pageant. More than 200 people attended a Saturday evening pageant.