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November’s Marvelous FFA Members

By: Katelyn Capacia, Reporter

Member of the Month

Caleb Suess is an eighth grader at Sleepy Eye Public School and has been in FFA for 2 years. He joined FFA because he wanted to be more involved. Caleb is on the Soils CDE team and likes it because you get to learn more about real world things. His SAE is working on Suess Dairy Farm helping with fieldwork, feeding calves, and milking cows. Caleb’s favorite FFA activity is the fun nights. Something he is looking forward to is going to new places. By being in FFA and Ag. Class, he learned more about animals that he wasn’t familiar with. Caleb is most proud of his Discovery Degree Award.




Member of the Month

Jacob Schultz is an eleventh grader at Sleepy Eye Public School and has been in FFA for 5 years. He joined FFA because he wanted to learn more about FFA, do crops, and participate in CDE’s. Jacob is on the Fish and Wildlife CDE team and likes it because he gets to use it in the real world. His SAE is milking cows every night at Suess Dairy. His favorite FFA activity is doing crops for the Sleepy Eye Crop Show and County and State Fair. Something he is looking forward to is competing in the Fish and Wildlife CDE contest this year. By being in FFA and Ag. Class, he learned more about the history of FFA. Jacob is most proud of being the Crop Show Champion twice.



Member of the Month

Jasmine Petermann is a seventh grader at Sleepy Eye Public School and has been in FFA for 1 year. She joined FFA because her dad was in FFA and she hopes that one day she can help her dad farm. Her favorite FFA activity is the Crop Show. Something she is looking forward to is trying out a new CDE team. By being in an Ag class, she learned more about the different kinds of animals. Jasmine is most proud of being the Jr. High Champion of the 2020 Crop Show and earning her very own FFA Jacket through the Blue Jackets Bright Futures Program.






Officer of the Month

Adam Johnson is a tenth grader at Sleepy Eye Public School and has been in FFA for 4 years. He joined FFA because he thought it would be a fun activity to do. Adam is the Chapter Treasurer and he likes it because he likes being involved in the chapter’s plans and finances. He is on the Poultry CDE team and likes it because he enjoys learning about chickens and he also likes that it relates to his SAE. His SAE is raising chickens in “chicken tractors” and selling them. His favorite FFA activity is the Crop Show. Something he is looking forward to is the State Poultry Competition.  By being in FFA, he learned that anybody can be in FFA and in an Ag. class even if they don’t live on a farm. Adam is most proud of being 1st place Individual in Region VI CDE competition for Poultry and Reserve Champion in the 2020 Crop Show.

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