Sleepy Eye ONLINE

News from the Mayor

by Wayne Pelzel, Sleepy Eye Mayor

The last few weeks have been pretty much dedicated to filling open seats on the City’s various Boards and Commissions. It is the Mayor’s responsibility to appoint people to fill those open seats with approval of the City Council.

Just to give you an awareness of the scope of this, there are 11 active Boards and Commissions. These bodies meet generally monthly and advise the various department heads and make recommendations to the City Council related to their area of expertise. In those 11 boards, there were two openings on the Park Board, two on the Hospital Board, one on the Public Utilities Board, two on the Airport Board, one on the Library Board, one on the Downtown Revitalization Committee, four on the Planning and Zoning Board, one on the Economic Development Authority, one on the Housing and Redevelopment Authority and so on.

It takes a lot of time to touch base with folks who might make good candidates to fill these open seats. Thankfully, at the Jan. 9 meeting of the City Council, approval of this new slate of potential seat holders was on the agenda.

Several people on these Boards who are retiring deserve recognition for their many years of service to the City. The following is a list of people who have served extended periods of time: Gordon Osmonson, 26 years Hospital Board; Darlene Tauer, 25 years Hospital Board; Gregg Tennant, 16 years Park Board; Howard Engholm, 20-plus years Airport Board; Paul Theisen, 22 years Public Utilities Commission.

Thanks to these dedicated folks for their many years of service to the City. Their retirement leaves big shoes to fill.

A new committee is being formed to look into the addition of a daycare facility with the possible addition of a limited recreation center. This committee will look into questions like what facilities might be available now to fulfill this need, funding for a project, and if built, where it should be located and what should be included in it.

The City will end 2023 in great financial condition. The expenditures look to be well under budget. The City has a strong and well placed investment package that provides good returns. Thanks to the City Manager, Bob Elston, for the good work he does in this arena.

Our thanks go out to the hospital administrator, Kevin Sellheim for his 21 years of service to Sleepy Eye Medical Center. May you enjoy a well deserved retirement.

Happy New Year to all. May 2024 be prosperous, successful and filled with peace and joy.

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