Sleepy Eye ONLINE

News from the Mayor

by Wayne Pelzel, Sleepy Eye Mayor

This past couple weeks I’ve had the good fortune to tour the Alliance Apartments and was very impressed with the units. They appear well built, spacious, and quite attractive. When I’m ready to give up snow blowing, lawn mowing and leaf raking, I think they present a very attractive option for housing in our community. They are a great new addition to our community.

As a member of the Chamber of Commerce Ambassador’s Committee, it has also been a wonderful opportunity to welcome two new businesses to Sleepy Eye. The first is located in the Schutz building on the east edge of the community, Adapt and Thrive Chiropractic. Alexis Greene, the chiropractor in residence there, gave a very warm and welcoming glimpse into her practice and an equally pleasing look at the facility. She brings some unique training to her practice with emphasis on sports training and really uniquely, prenatal care.

Also new to the community and recently opened is The Dawg House Bar and Grill. The Bendixes have really spruced up the building and have good plans for the future of their establishment. I’ve been impressed with their enthusiasm. It sure appears to be a good addition to the community. Sometimes it’s hard to get my head around the multitude of different possibilities for future development in the community. There’s some pretty sincere talk of an ice cream shop.

The EDA is also looking seriously at several different building renovations with differing possibilities going in to each option. We’ll see what actually comes to fruition.

We again welcome the Holiday Lights in Motion group to Sportsmen’s Park for their annual holiday display. If you can find it in your schedules, I know they can use help so don’t be shy about stopping out there to give them a hand.

One of the long time community pillars is looking at maybe stepping back from his long time role as building inspector and that is Bernie Wenner. His initial intention is not to totally retire, but just to step back and take on a little less responsibility. Plans are underway to find an appropriate and qualified replacement for Bernie. We thank Bernie for his service to the community all these years. The City Council will get the opportunity to weigh in on filling this important position.

The search continues for a suitable location for the childcare center. Among the considerations is affordability both in initial price and in renovations necessary to meet codes. Several folks have made suggestions and all are good and each will receive close scrutiny as this search continues

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