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Miss Sleepy Eye Candidates up close

Miss Sleepy Eye 2023 Candidates

Samantha Ibberson

Parents: Matt & Crystal Ibberson

Sponsored by: Ibberson Seeds

Samantha’s future plans: Attend the University of Minnesota – Duluth to study Communications and minor in Business in hopes of becoming a travel agent.

Samantha is excited to be a Miss Sleepy Eye candidate because “I want to be more involved in my community. I am excited to meet tons of new people and spread kindness to everyone!”

Lacey Mathiowetz

Parents: Scott & Kayla Mathiowetz

Sponsored by: Haala Industries, Inc.

Lacey’s future plans: Attend Mayville State University (Mayville, ND) to major in English Education with a potential minor in Coaching, with the hopes of becoming a high school English teacher. She will also be playing on the varsity Mayville Comet softball team.

Lacey is excited to be a Miss Sleepy Eye candidate because “from what I’ve been told, being a candidate for Miss Sleepy Eye is a really fun experience. I would love to be able to represent Sleepy Eye, and have fun with a group of ladies that I usually wouldn’t hang out with.”

Abigail Schwartz

Parents: Mark & Anita Schwartz

Sponsored by: Schwartz Farms, Inc.

Abigail’s future plans: Attend the University of Minnesota – Twin Cities to major in Biology, double minor in Biochemistry and Microbiology, with a focus on Pre-Medicine in hopes of becoming a physician.

Abigail is excited to be a Miss Sleepy Eye candidate because “I want to impact and reach out to my community members and learn more about this town.”—–

Elizabeth Schwint

Parents: George & Deanna Schwint

Sponsored by: Schmid Financial Services, LLC

Elizabeth’s future plans: Attend the University of Wisconsin – River Falls, majoring in Environmental Science with an emphasis in Hydrology. She will also be a member of the women’s UW River Falls Falcons golf team.

Elizabeth is excited to be a Miss Sleepy Eye candidate because “Sleepy Eye is a wonderful close knit community that I feel very honored to be a part of. I love the positive setting of the Miss Sleepy Eye organization and the people involved.”

Kenadi Steffl

Parents: Alan & Marie Steffl

Sponsored by: A to Zinnia Floral & Gifts

Kenadi’s future plans: Attend South Dakota State University to major in Political Science and minor in Legal Studies with a focus on Pre-Law in hopes of becoming a lawyer or state magistrate.

Kenadi is excited to be a Miss Sleepy Eye candidate because “I get to find new ways to be more involved in my hometown and develop new communications and connections within my community as I meet more of its members!”



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