Sleepy Eye ONLINE

Meet the Sleepy Eye Fire Department; Public invited to Open House Oct. 6th

Front row (from left): Aaron Schauman, Jeff Zinniel, Ron Zinniel, Alex Bruggeman, Aaron Bruggeman, Shane Martinka, Tom Braulick and Josh Wersal. Second row: Al Windschitl, Todd Riess, Logan Zuhlsdorf, Tyler Heiderscheidt, Shaun Heiderscheidt, Jessie Como, Kevin Hoffman, Scott Maurer, Scott Krzmarzick, Scott Braun and Colton Borth. Back row: Clark Trebesch, Jason Helget, Jesse Fischer, Leon Steffl, Mike Suess, Dan Schottenbauer, Ross Fischer, Francios Uys, Keaton Borth, Mike Tauer, Brad Hoffmann.


Fire Prevention Week October 3rd-9th

“Learn the Sounds of Fire Safety” campaign works to educate everyone about simple but important actions they can take to keep themselves and those around them safe.

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