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May FFA Members of the Month Announced

By: Chapter Reporter, Kyle Capacia

Member of the Month

Jose Castorena is in 9th grade and has been in FFA for 1 year. He joined FFA because he wanted to try something different. Jose is on the Best Informed Greenhand (BIG) Career Development Event (CDE) team. He enjoys his CDE because he gets to learn about the history of FFA and meet famous people. Jose is most looking forward to new opportunities in the FFA and summer activities. From being in FFA, he has learned a lot about the history of FFA. He also learned more about woodworking and fixing holes in walls in Ag classes. Jose is most proud of earning his Greenhand FFA degree.





Member of the Month 

Noah Rossbach is in 8th grade and has been in FFA for 2 years. He joined FFA because his brother and sister were in FFA.  Noah is on the Poultry CDE team. He likes his CDE because he gets to grade chicken and eggs. For Noah’s SAE, he works at Roseview Dairy milking cows and feeding calves. His favorite FFA activity is doing CDE competitions for poultry. Noah is most looking forward to the lock-ins, being part of the BIG team and summer activities. From being in Ag class, Noah has learned how to use tools safely, about different plants and all about different animals. The award that he is most proud of is placing first as a team for Poultry at State and being a 7 Star Leader.





Member of the Month 

Rachel Portner is in 9th grade and has been in FFA for 3 years. She joined FFA because of the opportunities it had to offer and the fun activities. Rachel is on the Dairy Judging CDE team. She likes being on the Dairy team because she gets to be around cows, and gets to learn more about the dairy cows. Rachel’s favorite FFA activity was going to Little I at SDSU. She is looking forward to showing cows at the fair. From being in an Ag. class, Rachel has learned about different animals that can be on farms including exotics. She has also gained skills in communicating, building new relationships, and to be okay with stepping out of her comfort zone. She is most proud of placing 1st as a team at the Region VI Dairy Evaluation Contest and placing 13th individually at State.



Member of the Month 

Lee Wahlborg is in 12th grade and has been in FFA for 3 years. He decided to join FFA to attend cool events and to make new friends. Lee is on the Market Plan CDE team. His favorite part was being part of a team and making it to State. Lee’s favorite FFA activity was going to Nationals and region volleyball night. Lee is looking forward to graduating this year. Lee has learned to be more outgoing by taking on new challenges and how to work as part of a team. Lee is most proud of finishing 5th place at State for Market Plan as well as his Greenhand and Chapter degrees.

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