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March FFA Members of the Month Announced

By Chloe Howe
Chapter Reporter

Member of the Month
Jacob Fulmer is an 8th grader at Sleepy Eye Public School and has been in the FFA for two years. Jacob joined FFA because he likes FFA and all of the Ag classes. Jacob is on the Fish and Wildlife CDE team because he likes learning new things about fish. His favorite FFA activity is Trap Shooting. Jacob is looking forward to going to State for Fish and Wildlife. Jacob has learned how to construct a candy dispenser since being in Ag. Class. The award Jacob is most proud of was advancing to State.







Member of the Month
Jade Sellner is a senior at Sleepy Eye Public School and has been involved in the FFA for six years. Jade joined FFA because agriculture is such a big part of life. She is on the Market Plan CDE team because she gets to learn all the different outlooks from being new on the team. Jade’s favorite FFA activities are the meetings we hold. Something she is really looking forward to is going to State and continuing learning in her Ag classes. Jade has learned more about life skills, leadership skills and how to get out of her comfort zone. Jade’s awards she is most proud of are her Crop Show Ribbons, Top Scholar and Phoenix Award.







Officer of the Month
Winsten Nienhaus is a junior at Sleepy Eye High School and this is his fifth year in FFA. Winsten joined FFA because he wanted to be a leader. He is the Student Advisor on the chapter officer team. Winsten loves being the Student Advisor because he enjoys teaching other students about FFA. Winsten is on the Soils CDE team. What he likes most about this CDE are his teammates. Winsten’s favorite FFA activities are the lock-ins and, most importantly, Nationals. Winsten is looking forward to the State Soils competition. Winsten has learned how to be respectful from being in FFA. Winsten’s award that he is most proud of is going to Nationals for the Poultry CDE team.







Officer of the Month
Gracie Sellner is a senior at Sleepy Eye St. Mary’s. This is her fifth year in FFA. Gracie joined FFA because she wanted to meet new people and make some new friends. She also found it enjoyable to teach the youth about her experiences during FFA. Gracie is the 2nd Vice President on the chapter officer team. As the Vice President, Gracie enjoys working with the president and advisors to plan and conduct FFA events. Gracie is on the Dairy CDE team because she grew up on a dairy farm and is familiar with dairy judging and animals. Gracie’s favorite FFA activities are FFA Week and State Convention. Gracie is looking forward to competing and traveling for her dairy competitions. From FFA, Gracie has learned many new social skills such as leadership and being more communicative. Gracie’s award that she is most proud of is her team earning the Region 6 Highest Placing Dairy Evaluation Team and her placing 1st Individual for Dairy.

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