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Sellner dies in crash north of Sleepy Eye

 08/21/2017 14:16
Hwy 4 MP 70, Home Twp, Brown County
A 2016 Hino Straight Truck, driven by Mark Steven Solheim, 56, of Clear Lake was northbound on Hwy 4 when it crossed onto the shoulder, over corrected, slid into the southbound lane and struck a 1997 Chevy pick up truck driven by Philip Sellner, age 61, of Sleepy Eye. Sellner received life threatening injuries while Solheim received non-life threatening injuries according to state patrol.
Sixty-year old Joseph Sellner, a passenger in Philip Sellner’s vehicle, died as a result of injuries sustained.
Road Condition: Wet
Brown County Sheriff, Sleepy Eye Ambulance, Sleepy Eye Fire, Sleepy Eye Police
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