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January’s FFA Members of the Month Announced

By: Chapter Reporter, Brooke Arneson 

Member of the Month

Jake Price is in 11th grade and has been in FFA for 5 years. He joined FFA because he wanted to learn more about agriculture. Jake’s CDE (Career Development Event) Team is Fish and Wildlife. For his SAE (Supervised Agricultural Experience), he has his own lawn mowing business and also works part-time at Kibble Equipment. Jake’s favorite FFA activity is Timberland Camp and he is most looking forward to going to camp again this upcoming summer. So far from being in FFA, he has learned that there are many different opportunities to have a good paying agricultural job. Jake is most proud of earning State Runner-up and State Winner for his SAE project in Turf Grass Management.






Member of the Month 

Nora Coulson is in 9th grade and has been in FFA for 3 years. She joined FFA to have leadership opportunities and to have fun working as a team in activities. Nora’s CDE Team is Small Animals. She enjoys gaining more knowledge about animal development from her CDE. Nora’s favorite FFA activity is playing volleyball at the monthly meetings. Something she is interested in doing this year is the Summer Ag. Tour. From being in an Ag. class and FFA, Nora has learned about different Ag. careers in our rural community. She is most proud of earning top-seller in the fruit sales.






Member of the Month 

Yuridia Fernandez is in 8th grade and has been in FFA for 2 years. She joined because she thought it would be fun and decided to take an Ag. class. Yuridia is on the Meats CDE Team. She is glad she joined the team because she has a lot of fun. Yuridia’s favorite FFA activities are the monthly Junior High meetings. She is looking forward to competing in the Ag. Bowl for her CDE this upcoming week. From being in an Ag. class and FFA, Yuridia has learned information about plants, animals, and how to cook. She is most proud of earning 9th place in her first ever crop show.







Officer of the Month 

Gracie Sellner is in 11th grade and has been in FFA for 5 years. She joined FFA because she wanted to learn more about agriculture, get involved with hands-on organization, learn new leadership skills, and meet new people. Gracie has been serving as the Student Advisor for our FFA Officer Team. As the Student Advisor, she likes that she gets to work with the advisors and her fellow officers to plan Jr. High meetings, National FFA Week, and the High School meetings. She also gets to learn leadership skills. For Gracie’s CDE she is on the Dairy Team. She likes to take her skills from judging dairy cattle to her family farm, as well as her skills to pick out dairy that she shows at the Brown County and State Fairs in the summer. For her SAE, she works on her family’s robotic dairy farm. She overall mostly works with the baby calves, does vaccinations, and does a lot of field work. Gracie’s favorite FFA event is FFA Week. She is most looking forward to meeting new people and making more friends this year. FFA has taught Gracie how to be more confident when speaking publicly. It has also taught her to be a leader when no one will step up and take responsibility. Gracie is most proud of winning 4th individual at Regions for Dairy her freshman year. She is also proud of winning the leadership award her freshman and sophomore year.

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