Sleepy Eye ONLINE

Introducing Tanner’s Tumults

Sleepy Eye ONLINE is pleased to introduce you to new columnist Tanner Hittesdorf.

Tanner first debuted ONLINE in 2015 while in high school as part of the OJT program (On The Job). He wrote a column titled Tanner’s Tumults. The name still seems fitting so that’s what we are going with for all future editorials.

Tanner is the son of Sleepy Eye ONLINE publisher/editor Shari Hittesdorf. He has loved to write…and talk for as long as mom can remember.

You will find his interests vast. We are looking forward to the thoughts and views of the young man. Look for his first article to appear later this week.

In the meantime:

“Hello everyone, I’m Tanner Hittesdorf. I’m not particularly great with introductions, so I’ll attempt to keep this brief. I enjoy a platitude of interests and hobbies that are not limited to wrestling, sports, video games, and classic 60’s music. I used to be completely uninterested in sports before I graduated high school, but that since has changed. I’m now fairly interested in all kinds of sports, Football, Baseball, Hockey, Basketball, Soccer, you name it. I’ll be writing mostly about whatever comes to mind, maybe a few rants here and there. I’ll try not to bore you though.”

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