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Hoffmann Named ACTE Region III Teacher of the Year

Mary Hoffmann, Sleepy Eye Ag. Teacher, was awarded the Region III ACTE Teacher of the Year Award in Des Moines, IA. 

Mary Hoffmann, Sleepy Eye Ag. Teacher, was named ACTE Region III Teacher of the Year this summer. She received this award at the Region III ACTE Conference in Des Moines, Iowa. ACTE is the Association of Career and Technical Education. ACTE is the largest national education association of thriving professionals dedicated to the advancement of education that prepares youth and adults for successful careers. Our members represent all facets of career and technical education (CTE).

The ACTE Organization represents teachers in the areas of Agriculture, Business, Counseling & Career Development, Engineering & Technical Education, Family & Consumer Science, Health Science, Trade & Industrial Education, and Postsecondary, Adult & Career Education. Region III includes the following states: Iowa, Illinois, Indiana, Minnesota, Missouri, and Wisconsin.

Hoffmann was selected as the Region III Teacher of the Year winner for her work in Agricultural Education, with the Sleepy Eye FFA, and as a leader in her school, state, and nation. Mary’s personal teaching philosophy is to provide students with base agriculture knowledge as well as skills for the future.

She has many goals for the program based on this. Helping students to realize the importance of agriculture in their daily lives is the first goal, followed by providing FFA opportunities, helping students become better people and to teach with heart and passion.

Mary Hoffmann states, “You never know what some of the students’ lives are like at home, but at school it can be really great in your classroom if you are the role model and caring person that the student needs.”

In the state of Minnesota, Hoffmann is on the State Teach Ag. Results and Minnesota State Fair Committee, member of the FFA Adult Board, serves as a mentor for various programs, and is the Minnesota Association of Ag. Educators grant writer. Over the years, Hoffmann has secured funding for state-wide professional development opportunities for Agriculture teachers. The grants have included: Basic Woodworking, Food Science and Chemistry, Small Engines, Electricity, Floral Design, Record Keeping, Landscaping, Construction, and Welding for a total of over $150,000.

At the National level, Hoffmann serves on the National Council for Agricultural Education as the president-elect. The National Council for Agricultural Education (The Council) strives to stimulate positive growth in agricultural education. The Council provides leadership for stakeholders in agriculture, food, fiber and natural resources systems education. It strives to surface issues important to agricultural education and stimulate actions to support those issues. The Council serves as a common meeting ground for agricultural education and represents organizations and entities representing students, teachers, teacher educators, state leaders, alumni, industry, and government.

Hoffmann is honored to receive this award and excited for the next steps which include an interview and selection of the top Teacher of the Year in the nation at the ACTE Awards Gala in Las Vegas, Nevada on November 3, 2022.

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