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Hoffmann Finishes Term on National Ag Teacher Board

Mary Hoffmann, Sleepy Eye Ag. Teacher, was recognized for her service as the Region III Vice President at the National Ag. Teacher Conference.

Mary Hoffmann, Sleepy Eye Ag. Teacher, attended the National Association Agricultural Educators (NAAE) Virtual Convention November 30 – December 4, 2020. This professional development conference was attended by Agricultural Instructors from across the nation. Hoffmann was able to attend the National Association of Career and Technical Education (ACTE) Virtual Conference as well.

Hoffmann has served as the Region III NAAE Vice President for the past three years. As part of the virtual convention, Hoffmann attended board meetings, conducted the Public Policy committee meeting, and presided over the Region III meeting. Hoffmann also attended many professional development workshops and assisted with awards presentations for the general sessions.

At the conference, Hoffmann was recognized for her service to NAAE and to the position of Region III Vice President. For this position on the NAAE Board, Hoffmann represented all of the Region III Ag. Teachers in Minnesota, Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota, North Dakota, and Nebraska. She was also the board consultant for the Public Policy Committee, ran the Region III Conference meetings, and attended NAAE Board meetings and functions. There are six regions in the NAAE, each being made of up states grouped by geographic area.

“It was an honor to be chosen to lead and represent Region III Ag Teachers in the NAAE Organization.  This organization is essential to Ag. Teachers and I truly appreciated my three years of service as Vice President.”

“It was an excellent opportunity to attend the first ever Virtual NAAE Convention and learn from others in the same profession.  It’s great to expand my network of Ag. connections and resources to teachers across the nation.” Hoffmann says.

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