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Francisca Garcia Navarro

Francisca Garcia Navarro de Liñan, age 90 of Sleepy Eye, Minnesota died on September 24, 2024, at her home surrounded by the love of her family. Visitation will be on Thursday, September 26, 2024, from 4:00 pm until 7:00 pm at Sturm Funeral Home, Sleepy Eye Chapel and will continue on Friday from 10:00 am until 11:00 am at Trinity Lutheran Church in Sleepy Eye. A funeral service will be held at Trinity Lutheran Church in Sleepy Eye on Friday, September 27, 2024, at 11:00 am. The clergy will be Pastor Ismael Vargas. Interment will be at St. Mary’s Catholic Cemetery in Sleepy Eye. Arrangements are with Sturm Funeral Home in Sleepy Eye. Online condolences may be left for the family at

Francisca Garcia Navarro de Liñan: A Life Well-Lived

 Francisca Garcia Navarro de Liñan, a beloved wife, mother, grandmother, and great-grandmother, was born on May 2, 1934, in Saltillo, Mexico. Her parents, Francisco Garcia and Maria Luisa Navarro, raised her in a loving and nurturing home. Francisca’s childhood was filled with joy and laughter, surrounded by her family and friends.

As a young woman, Francisca met and fell in love with Jose Guadalupe Linan Palma. They were married in Guanajuato, Mexico, in 1950, and together they embarked on a journey that would span decades and two countries. In search of a better life for their growing family, Francisca and Jose relocated to Rio Bravo Tamaulipas, where they established their roots and raised their children.

In 1990, driven by their unwavering commitment to their children’s well-being, Francisca and Jose made the momentous decision to immigrate to Sleepy Eye, Minnesota. This move marked a new chapter in their lives, filled with both challenges and opportunities. Francisca embraced the new culture and language, demonstrating her resilience and adaptability. She worked tirelessly to provide for her family, taking on various jobs, including working on farms and cleaning houses.

Despite the demands of work and family, Francisca’s true calling was nurturing her loved ones. She was a devoted wife, a loving mother, and a doting grandmother. She cherished every moment spent with her family, cooking their favorite meals, spoiling her grandchildren with affection, and ensuring they went to school with full bellies and big smiles. Francisca’s unwavering love and dedication made her a second mother to her grandchildren, who adored and respected her deeply.

Francisca, affectionately known as “Doña Kika” by her family and friends, was a vibrant and charismatic woman. She had a passion for shopping and garage sales, where she delighted in discovering hidden treasures. Francisca also enjoyed pampering herself with manicures, taking pride in her appearance. Her youthful spirit and playful sense of humor shone through, even as she gracefully aged.

Francisca’s culinary skills were legendary, and her recipes have been passed down through generations. She was always eager to experiment with new flavors and techniques. Her love of food and cooking was a testament to her warmth and hospitality. Francisca’s home was a place where family and friends gathered, drawn by the aroma of delicious home-cooked meals and the comfort of her warm embrace.

Francisca’s legacy extended far beyond her immediate family. She touched the lives of countless individuals through her generosity, kindness, and unwavering optimism. Her love, joy, and infectious laughter will forever be remembered by those who knew her.

Francisca’s passing leaves a void in the hearts of her loved ones, but her memory will forever be cherished. She is survived by her children: Maria (Felix Rosales), Cruz (Rosaura) Linan, Maria Guadalupe (Antonio Alvarez), Maria Francisca (Alejandro Guerra), Natividad (Francisco Trevino), Ana (Santos Jasso), Delia (Genaro Roman), and Jorge (Martha) Linan. Her legacy continues through her 30 grandchildren, 59 great-grandchildren, and one great-great-grandchild.

Though Francisca’s earthly journey has come to an end, her spirit lives on in the hearts of all who were fortunate enough to know and love her. She will be deeply missed, but never forgotten.

Francisca was preceded in death by her husband, son Juan Antonio Linan, her parents, her brother Jose Garcia and sister Eloisa Garcia.

“I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith. Now there is in store for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will award to me on that day—and not only to me, but also to all who have longed for his appearing.” 2 Timothy 4:7-8

Francisca García Navarro de Liñan: Una vida bien vivida

 Francisca García Navarro de Liñan, una amada esposa, madre, abuela y bisabuela, nació el 2 de mayo de 1934 en Saltillo, México. Sus padres, Francisco García y María Luisa Navarro, la criaron en un hogar amoroso y acogedor. La infancia de Francisca estuvo llena de alegría y risas, rodeada de su familia y amigos.

 Cuando era joven, Francisca conoció y se enamoró de José Guadalupe Linán Palma. Se casaron en Guanajuato, México, en 1950, y juntos se embarcaron en un viaje que abarcaría décadas y dos paises. En busca de una vida mejor para su creciente familia, Francisca y José se mudaron a Río Bravo Tamaulipas, donde establecieron sus raíces y criaron a sus hijos.

 En 1990, impulsados por su compromiso inquebrantable con el bienestar de sus hijos, Francisca y José tomaron la trascendental decisión de emigrar a Sleepy Eye, Minnesota. Este movimiento marcó un nuevo capítulo en sus vidas, lleno de desafíos y oportunidades. Francisca abrazó la nueva cultura e idioma, demostrando su resiliencia y adaptabilidad. Trabajó incansablemente para mantener a su familia, asumiendo varios trabajos, incluido trabajar en granjas y limpiando casas.

 A pesar de las exigencias del trabajo y la familia, la verdadera vocación de Francisca era cuidar de sus seres queridos. Era una esposa devota, una madre amorosa y una abuela cariñosa. Apreciaba cada momento que pasaba con su familia, cocinando sus comidas favoritas, mimando a sus nietos con afecto y asegurándose de que fueran a la escuela con el estómago lleno y una gran sonrisa. El amor y la dedicación inquebrantable de Francisca la convirtieron en una segunda madre para sus nietos, quienes la adoraban y respetaban profundamente.

 Francisca, conocida cariñosamente como “Doña Kika” por su familia y amigos, era una mujer vibrante y carismática. Le apasionaban las compras y las ventas de garaje, donde le encantaba descubrir tesoros escondidos. Francisca también disfrutaba mimándose con la manicura, norgulleciéndose de su apariencia. Su espíritu juvenil y su divertido sentido del humor brillaron, incluso a medida que envejecía con gracia.

 Las habilidades culinarias de Francisca eran legendarias y sus recetas se han transmitido de generación en generación. Siempre estuvo ansiosa por experimentar con nuevos sabores y técnicas. Su amor por la comida y la cocina fue un testimonio de su calidez y hospitalidad. La casa de Francisca era un lugar donde se reunían familiares y amigos, atraídos por el aroma de las deliciosas comidas caseras y el consuelo de su cálido abrazo.

 El legado de Francisca se extendió mucho más allá de su familia inmediata. Ella tocó las vidas de innumerables personas a través de su generosidad, amabilidad y optimismo inquebrantable. Su amor, alegría y risa contagiosa serán recordados para siempre por quienes la conocieron.

 El fallecimiento de Francisca deja un vacío en el corazón de sus seres queridos, pero su memoria será atesorada por siempre. Le sobreviven sus hijos: María (Félix Rosales), Cruz (Rosaura) Linán, María Guadalupe (Antonio Álvarez), María Francisca (Alejandro Guerra), Natividad (Francisco Treviño), Ana (Santos Jasso), Delia (Genaro Román). y Jorge (Martha) Linán. Su legado continúa a través de sus 30 nietos, 59 bisnietos y un tataranieto.

 Aunque el viaje terrenal de Francisca ha llegado a su fin, su espíritu sigue vivo en los corazones de todos los que tuvieron la suerte de conocerla y amarla. La extrañaremos profundamente, pero nunca la olvidaremos.

 A Francisca le precedieron en la muerte su esposo, su hijo Juan Antonio Linán, sus padres, su hermano José García y su hermana Eloisa García.

 “He peleado la buena batalla, he acabado la carrera, he guardado la fe. Por lo demás, me está guardada la corona de justicia, la cual me dará el Señor, juez justo, en aquel día; y no solo a mí, sino también a todos los que aman su venida.” 2 Timoteo 4:7-8

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