Sleepy Eye ONLINE

Five long-time staff members retire from St. Mary’s School

Retiring St. Mary’s Staff members were honored by students and other staff during a last day of school farewell. (from left): Diane Krzmarzick, Rosie Schwartz, Diane Lax and Tammy Helget.

Mary Gangelhoff is retiring after combining for 38 as a teacher and principal.

Five staff members from Sleepy Eye St. Mary’s School, with a combined 166 years of dedicated service, are retiring from education.

Elementary Principal Mary Gangelhoff attended St. Mary’s as a student. She then taught for 22 years before joining the administrative ranks (16 more years). A Combined 50 years have been spent in the same building.

Rosie Schwartz leaves with 40 years teaching. She did take a few years off to be a stay-at-home mom in between her tenure.

Diane Krzmarzick leaves with 37 years spent at St. Mary’s. Add six years spent at Springfield and Fairfax for a total of 43 years experience.

Diane Lax retires with 35 years committed to St. Mary’s.

Tammy Helget has spent the past 16 years keeping things running smoothly in the office as an administrative assistant.

Sleepy Eye ONLINE congratulates and wishes each great happiness in their next phase of life!

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