Sleepy Eye ONLINE

Fire Prevention Week / Operation EDITH set for Oct. 9th

Front, from left: Alex Bruggeman, 2nd Asst. Chief Jeff Zinniel, Shaun Heiderscheidt, Dan Christensen, Brad Hoffmann, Chief Aaron Schauman. Second row: Aaron Bruggeman, Colton Borth, Kyle Borth, Jeff Mathiowetz, Kevin Hoffman, 1st Asst. Chief Scott Krzmarzick, Scott Braun. Third row: Dylan Wersal, Leon Steffl, Mike Tauer, Jason Helget, Mike Suess, Ross Fischer, Scott Mauer. Back: Nick Martinka, Keaton Borth, Drew Reinarts, Shane Martinka. 

The Sleepy Eye Fire Dept. will celebrate Fire Prevention Week on Oct. 9 by driving around the community with lights flashing and sirens blaring for  Operation EDITH (Exit Drill in the Home). Residents are invited to practice their home escape route. They can show support by turning on their porch light.


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