Sleepy Eye ONLINE

Fire Prevention Week Oct. 4-10

Oct. 4 – 10, 2020 is Fire Prevention Week. This year’s theme is “Serve up Fire Safety in the Kitchen.”

Meet the Sleepy Eye Fire Department

Front row from left: Scott Braun, Shane Martinka and Ron Zinniel. Back row: Shaun Heiderscheidt,  Jason Helget, Dusty Schueller and Leon Steffl.

Front row: Jeff Zinniel, Brad Hoffmann, Scott Maurer,  Josh Wersal and Kevin Hoffman. Back row: Cal Mertz, Dan Schottenbauer, Mike Suess, Francios Uys and Keaton Borth.

Front row: Aaron Schauman, Tyler Heiderscheidt, Scott Krzmarzick, Clark Trebesch, Colton Borth. Back Row: Alan Windschitl,  Alex Bruggeman, Aaron Bruggeman, Todd Ries Jesse Fischer, Logan Zuhlsdorf. Missing Jesse Como, Tom Braulick, Ross Fischer and Mike Tauer. 

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