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FFA Members Teach Farm Safety Awareness at Farmfest

Adam Johnson, Sleepy Eye FFA 2nd Vice President, is testing the reaction time of youth for this Wheel of Misfortune demonstration on different accidents that can occur on farms. 

On Wednesday, August 4th, FFA members helped to educate people on the numerous farm safety topics. Members included (from left to right): Front- Miah Brown, Morgan Hoffmann, and Nayzeth Luna. Back- Adam Johnson, Leisha Martinez, Jake Price, Taylor Berkner, and Sam Price. 

By: Brooke Arneson, Chapter Reporter

From August 3rd through August 5th, FFA members from Sleepy Eye traveled to Farmfest to teach youth and families about various farm safety topics. Set up for the event was August 2nd which included putting up the tent and setting up the nine safety stations.

The following members helped with setting up and conducting activities for the week: Erika Lozano, Hailey Meinert, Maddi Helget, Presley Bauer, Adam Johnson, Morgan Hoffmann, Jake Price, Miah Brown, Alex Joramo, Leisha Martinez, Marcus Martinez, Ellen Windschitl, Sean Martin, Kaytlyn Romberg, Mateo Hornsby, Abi Hornsby, Nayzeth Luna, Taylor Berkner, Sam Price, and Gracie Sellner.

FFA advisors, Mary Hoffmann, Katie Emmett, McKenzie Cselovszki, along with the summer intern, Taylor Peck, also attended the event. Throughout the three days that FFA members were present at Farmfest, they were able to educate over 1,000 youth and their families.

The Sleepy Eye FFA worked with the RedBrownVille Farm Safety for Just Kids chapter which includes members from three counties and sponsorship from AgCountry Farm Credit Services, Farmward/Ag. Quest, Land ‘O Lakes, Redwood Area Chamber Ag. Committee, and Bayer.

The name Farm Safety for Just Kids is a collaboration of Redwood, Brown, and Renville counties who have worked together since 2006 to help inform and prevent injuries and accidents on the farm and around machinery, making the farm a safer place by showing kids the danger of certain situations.

The youth who attended had the opportunity to play nine safety games/demonstrations including Pinch Points (Chains and Belts), Tractor Safety, Auger Safety, Wheel of Misfortune, Plinko (Farm Safety Trivia), Bridged Grain, Gravity Wagon Safety, Chemical Safety, and Tug of War with Grain.

Each kid was given a card that was then marked off at every station. When they had finished going to each station, they were given prizes. The prizes included: water bottles, cinch bags, coloring books, pencils, flashlights, and more.

Sleepy Eye FFA worked alongside the Wabasso, Redwood Valley, and Tracy FFA Chapters. All of the members who volunteered their time at the safety carnival successfully helped inform youth while also making it a fun experience for those who attended.

If you would like to be a part of Farm Safety Just for Kids feel free to contact Mary Hoffmann, FFA advisor at Sleepy Eye Public School.

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