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FFA Members of the Month


By: Carmen Lendt 

Officer of The Month 

Miah Brown is in 11th grade and has been in FFA for five years. This year she is Officer-at-Large for the FFA officer team. She joined FFA to experience new things and to meet new people. She likes being an officer because she gets to assist all officers in planning and conducting all chapter events, and welcome new people into FFA. Miah likes being on the Vet Science team because she likes that she gets to learn more about smaller animals and discover different breeds. Her favorite activity in FFA is Timberland Camp. Something Miah is looking forward to is what her officer team can do the rest of this year and bonding with them. By being in Ag classes and FFA, Miah has learned that working as a team is very important and that having strong leadership can take you far. Miah is most proud of her Officer of the Month Award as well as Crop Show Awards, Summer All-Star ,and Chapter Star Leader Awards.

Member of the month 

Wyatt Barnes is in 11th grade and has been in FFA for five years. He joined FFA because he likes agriculture and wanted to learn more about it. He is on the Fish & Wildlife CDE team and he likes this team because they get to learn about different types of wildlife- birds, mammals, and fish. For his SAE project he works at Sellner Dairy Farm for a Placement in Dairy Production SAE. His favorite FFA activity is the farm fest. Wyatt is really looking forward to working the safety booth at farm fest this summer. By being in Ag Class and FFA he has learned what kinds of animals are raised as well as out in the wild. Wyatt is very proud of this Member of the Month Award.

Member of the month 

Sophie Portner is in 12th grade and has been in FFA for four years. She joined to be apart of more agricultural opportunities and to develop more leadership and communication skills. Her CDE is Dairy Evaluation and she enjoys going to events to see different cows and using and developing her dairy judging skills. Sophie’s SAE is working at her family dairy farm milking cows, feeding calves, and other miscellaneous chores. She also owns 30 Brown Swiss cows. Her favorite activity in FFA is working at the Kiddy Barn at the County Fair and taking welding class last summer. Sophie is really looking forward to earning her State FFA Degree. Something she has learned by being in FFA is to step more out of her comfort zone and pursue things that interest her. The award that Sophie is most proud of is earning 4th place at State for Dairy Evaluation.

Member of the month 

Abigail Hornsby is in 10th grade and this is her fourth year in FFA. She joined FFA because she loves agriculture and wanted to do more. Abi is a member of the Fish & Wildlife CDE Team. She likes being on this team because she likes to learn about all the different animals. Abi’s favorite FFA activity is the Crop Show. Abi is really looking forward to the State Fish & Wildlife Contest. She has learned a lot in Ag. Classes in FFA including more about animals, baking, and a lot of other stuff. Abi is most proud of her Soybean Champion Award from the 2020 Crop Show.

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